The Ring On The Dead Finger

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The Sheriff glances at the pack as he made his way to Stiles, asking them silently to leave them to talk in private. They understood.

Scott, Lydia and Malia had soon got everyone outside. Giving him a comforting look as they did so.

"You know they can still listen in right?" Mitch said, changing the subject not to subtle.

"That's not really the point" His father replied.

Mitch nodded. Understanding.

Father and son looked at each other then both not sure how to deal with the other.

"You were standing there, all this time?" Mitch finally asked hesitantly.

The Sheriff nodded solemnly.

Mitch inwardly cursed in his mind as he tried to figure out a way to get himself out of this situation.

Was it him or was it suddenly feeling hard to breath?

"Stiles..." The Sheriff said as if he wanted to say something but stopped himself.

"Stiles what?" Mitch asked sharply, narrowing his eyes at his father.

The Sheriff shook his head.

"You've changed so much"

"What did you expect? It has been a long time"

"Far to long" The Sheriff sighed.

He looked...tired. 

It was strange seeing his father so weary but now he looked at him Mitch noticed lines that didn't used to be there and thinner hair.

Nothing unnatural for someone at his father's age but it did make him wonder what he would be like when he was his father's age. How would he cope? Mind you he probably would be either death or retired from work by then.

Which did make him wonder but before he could take his thoughts further his father interrupted them.

"You've grown into a young man without me. I...didn't get to see you grow up" His father said softly.

Mitch withheld his wince at that.

To be honest he didn't expect this conversation to go in this direction. First thing he thought his father would want to know was him being an assassin but it seems not...

Instead he wanted to know about a even more painful subject. Great...

"Why did you leave them? Why did you leave me? Son?" His father pleaded.

He needed to know.

Was it, something he had done?

Mitch didn't look him in the eyes. He took a deep breath.

"I...couldn't cope. Everything just built up inside me. Being forgotten? Waiting to be rescued, knowing I could be turned into one of them? Believing and knowing at first that no one I knew remembered me? That feeling, I hated it. I just couldn't deal with any more"

"So you left" His father said.

Mitch nodded, still not looking him in the eyes.

"Stiles, why didn't you say that's how you felt?! I could have-"

"How could I?! You'd only tell Scott and you'd all-you'd all look at me as if I'm weak, that I can't deal with it like they can because I'm only human, because I'm the defenceless skinny human" The words felt like acid on his tong as he spoke, finally looking his father in the eyes.

His father noted the hurt and anger flashing through Stiles as he said it.

"I was fed up with that and I couldn't stop the nightmares or the panic attacks or how I felt so inferior to them. They were all so special with their supernatural gifts and I was the only one that was ordinary or that's how I felt" Mitch managed to calm himself as he spoke.

"And you're not ordinary now" His father finally said.

"No, I'm not ordinary now" Mitch agreed.

Though it was a little ironic.

He chuckled bitterly to himself.

"What is it?" The Sheriff asked.

"It's just funny, I actually wanted to be ordinary after I'd fallen for her. She made me feel like ordinary was okay, it was good. I was happy. And anything that was...not normal, didn't make me feel good. Because normal was simple and peaceful. I had it all planned out. Graduate, become a cop...and marry Mary"

The room stilled at that. Everything became silent.

The Sheriff looked completely stunned then his expression twisted into pure sorrow.


"I was engaged. I-I proposed, she said yes"

Mitch smiled but it was bitter and twisted.

"Funny how these things work out isn't it? I finally had something and had someone that made me feel complete, she was always happy around me, I could always cheer her up, she could always cheer me up and then...then....fuck!"

Mitch turned away from his father, his hands trembled and his gun fell to the floor. Mitch didn't notice it as he rang his hands over his face, trying to get hold of himself.

"Then everything changed" The Sheriff said softly.

Mitch agreed, his voice shaky and it cracked "Then everything changed"

I'll be replying to comments on my last chapter later on. I hope you have a good day! And hope you enjoy this chapter! And let me know what you think X X

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