Honest Goodbyes

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"Christopher, Peter, Theo and Anna" 


"You killed them" 

"I did" 

"Why tell me?

"I'm leaving, my boss called me in. I have a couple of minutes before I have to go. I might as well come clean" 

Scott and some of his pack were with him, including Derek. They faced Stiles on the side of the road. He was leaning against his car, ready to leave. 

Scott looked like he was in denial, his face pale, he shook his head as if refusing to believe what Stiles was telling him. 

He had told him that Anna was sent to Beacon Hills to kill him, in the end though she couldn't do it but Stiles couldn't let her go, she'd known that. 

While Theo had been trying to steal information from him, he'd been caught by the crime group a while ago and been threatened to get him to take a secret document from a CIA agent that was coming to Beacon Hills. Poor Theo hadn't really known who he'd been messing with until it was to late. 

"I don't-!" Scott cut himself. 

I don't understand. 

But Anna's last conversation with him was fresh in his mind.

Sometimes if you can't understand someone, its better to accept them then work from there... 

Could he accept Stiles? 

Knowing what he was? 

Who he had killed?

The  grief and anger was welling up inside him but he managed to push it back for now. Now wasn't the time for that...



Scott's hands curled into fists and the realisation dawned on him, what he really wanted to, what he should do. 

Why had he been fighting so hard for a boy he no longer knew? 

A stranger, because thats what Stiles really was. 

What Scott was refusing to see, just like he refused to see at first all the signs that Stiles was dangerous and wasn't who he seemed. 

His eyes narrowed and he stepped forward, addressing Stiles. 

"You know, the day before she died Anna told me something" 

"Oh?" Stiles said calmly. 

No emotion crossing his face at Anna's name. 

"She told me I could either accept you and try and make things work, or don't and I think I've finally realised what I need to do, what I want to do" 

Mitch watched Scott curiously, he wondered where this was going.

Scott said finally, looking directly into Stiles eyes, who held the gaze, not at all uncomfortable "I don't get you and Stiles? It took me a long time to realise this but...I don't want to accept you. I want you to leave and only come back for your family, I want you to leave my pack alone. I-I want you to go Stiles, you're no longer welcome here"

Stiles raised his eyebrows as Scott ended his speech, looking at him determinedly. 

A million things had gone through his mind while he was saying this, how Stiles would react most of all but of all the reactions he thought of, didn't expect at all  the one he got. 

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