Strings Wrapped Around My Heart

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The next day, in the evening Anna gets a text from Stiles. 

It was very flirty, asking her to come to his apartment. She smiles when she sees it, well she can't turn that down. 

Anna walks to his apartment, its not far from where she is. She stops for a second, in the night starry sky. Looking at his building. Something uneasy stirs within her stomach but Anna ignored it. She goes to his apartment and opens his door. 

Her mouth opens at what she sees. 

The apartment is only lit up by candles and there are rose petals, leading to his room, his bedroom door closed. 

Her heart thumped hard in her chest. 

Anna couldn't stop the joy from showing, she knew he could be a soft touch romantic wise sometimes, this was so pretty. 

Anna followed the petals to his bedroom, she hesitated. 

Then her hand curled around the handle as she opened it. 

Stiles was lying on his bed, with his eyes closed but he opened them and smirked broadly at her when he saw her. 

He wasn't wearing any shirt. 

Mitch watched amused as Anna's eyes flickered to his chest, going very red in the face. 

"Its been a stressful couple of weeks, I thought we could use some time to unwind" He drawled. 

Anna grinned, blushing. 

"I wouldn't mind that" She replied. 

He waited for her as she slipped of her shoes and sat on his bed, turning to face him. 

Mitch smiled warmly, then slowly he cupped her face, drawing her closer in. 

His lips met hers. 

Anna noticed there was something different about this kiss but she wasn't sure what. 

The kiss got a little heated, Mitch's hands trailing down her body. 

She couldn't let it go any further yet, Anna knew she needed to go to the bathroom first and- 

But before she could complete her thoughts he leaned away, moving to the edge of the bed, he patted besides him. 

Anna moved herself to a more comfortable position by his side.

They laid their in a comfortable silence for a couple of minutes.

They looked at each other, slowly gazing in to each other eyes.  

"You know, Scott was talking to me yesterday about you" Anna said murmured. 

"Really? What he say?" Mitch asked her softly. 

"He wants to make it work but his not sure he can" 

"Mmm, he won't be able to..." 

"What makes you so sure?" Anna asked gently. 

Mitch didn't reply for a while but finally he said, eyes not meeting hers "We're just, not meant to be" 

"Like us?" Anna finally said. 

He looked at her frowning, maybe to reassure her then seeing her expression his own changed in a sad wishful look "I wish things were different but I don't want a relationship, know that, right?" 

"Yeah, I know. Its been years but its still to soon for you, isn't it?" Anna said, understanding and sympathy in her voice.

Mitch hadn't expected that response, something cold flickered in his gaze, she noticed how his muscles tensed up, rigid and hard. 

"You always seem to understand me" He then finally said after a long period of uncomfortable silence, forcing himself to relax. 

Anna relaxed as well as she saw the stiffness disappear from him. 

Maybe that been a bit to in his business she rationalised. 

Mitch then pulled himself closer to her, arm slowly rapping around her and bringing her closer. Anna let him then she relaxed as his lips met hers again. 

The kiss was long and slow. 

There is something definitely something different about this one Anna though it seemed a bit to...cautious? And something else she couldn't put her- 

Everything froze... 

Anna tensed up. 

Something hard pressing against her ribcage, where her heart was... 

But it was to hard and a little cold. 


A barrel of a gun.

"Little to understanding to be a journalism student, isn't that right, Anna?" 

She moved away, breathing hard in fear and shock. 

Mitch held his gun to her heart... 


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