My Last...

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"Stiles, I never knew you could be so-"

"Peter" Mitch warned.

The werewolf shut his mouth quickly.

"All I want to hear from you is you begging"

"Is that what they do? Beg?"

Mitch didn't show any alarm at that. Peter recognising what he wasn't unexpected.

"Some do" Mitch said.

"You think I will?"

"I think you think you know who I am and even with a gun to your head you don't believe I'll do it. You're the kind of person who thinks their immortal and won't accept death even when it's staring you in the face"

Peter's eyes narrowed at that but he didn't say anything however his eyes held clear challenge.

"Do you know what some of my enemies know me as? I'm quite well known you see" Mitch said gently but there was no softness to it or friendliness.

Peter didn't answer.

"Malik Al-Mawt. Do you know what that means?"

Peter shook his head.

"No" He sneered 

"Angel of Death"

Peter's eyes seemed to widen a friction at that. He could hear Stiles heartbeat. He wasn't lying. Maybe that was the most scary thing. Peter didn't do well with blunt honestly like this, especially when it was being used against him.

"You've known me since you got into this supernatural mess. You couldn't"

Mitch didn't reply for a while then he said slowly "You know, if this had been eight years ago. You'd be right. No matter how much I wanted to, I never could bring myself to do it"

He let that information sink into Peter, who was probably wondering why Stiles was being so open with him all of a sudden.

"But I've changed. I'm not that kid anymore. My boss says shoot? I shoot, no matter who is on the other end. Because I trust her with my life. I'd never really trusted someone like that before. Not even Scott. You see the only person Peter apart from you, who could convince me not to shoot you right now is Kennedy and she isn't here"

Peter laughed mockingly "Was that supposed to scare me?"

"No but I do scare you, don't I Peter? You have no way out of this but you're in denial. You don't try and defend yourself because even now you don't believe I won't do it" Mitch said.

Peter growled "If you were going to kill me, you would have done it already"

"Maybe I'm trying to give you a chance to realise that you aren't actually immortal, everyone dies, some just quicker than others or maybe I just enjoy your squirming? You're fear as it slowly dawns on you what is about to happen. I'm a pretty sadistic little shit that way"

"I don't doubt that" Peter said, his voice low.

Mitch's voice was stoic as he continued talking.

"Or ...maybe you could have lived if I wasn't so pissed of right now. Maybe I was just pretending like I'd listen to you if you pleaded for your life. You've caught me on a bad day, there is a possibility if I hadn't been so angry right now I could have let you go"

Mitch stepped back, gun still facing Peter's head.

His tone transformed from emotionless to a deep set hatred and swimming with violence.

"The real reason I'm angry is because of Theo but I can't kill him at the moment because of the pack. I can't have Theo but what's the next best thing?"

Peter's last thoughts were a little bit scrambled. They rumbled through him at a frenzy.

He could be getting killed as a replacement for The0?

No, he thought, that wasn't right.

Stiles finger tightened on the trigger.

He could?

No, would-!

Peter barely had any time to come to realisation that everything was over, he never finished his thought.

Time didn't slow down for him.

His last smell was the smell of gun powder.

It wasn't pleasant.

His last sight was Stiles essentially murdering him.

Who knew Stiles would grow up to be his end?

His last feeling was something he'd never felt since that day.

Since the fire.

He-he was terrified and felt like crying out for his father and mother, but what could they do? What would they have done? Like Derek would they have abandoned him? Did he truly deserve this? He did not join death willingly.

His last sound was an ear splitting sound of a gun to close to comfort. 

His real last thought?


He did it.

He killed me.

I'm dead.

It was a strange realisation to come to...

Then there was nothing left to realise or think.

Nothing left at all. 

And the Angel of Death smiled down over at the body. His rage slowly creeping away. 

The satisfaction didn't go away for a long while afterwards.

Peter's death did make him feel...better.

Theo's face didn't seem to bug him so much.

Not when he knew where it would eventually end up.

I'll be replying to comments for my last chapter much later on (busy with Uni) Anyway hope you enjoy and let me know what you think Xx

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now