So Far?

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Scott and Anna finally come back in, both looking confused.

Scott crossed his arms, giving the two a suspicious look.

"What was that about?" He demanded.

"Nothing, I was just making some things clear" Mitch said slowly, he gave Deaton a friendly smile.


Deaton smiled back, but it was much more forced.

He said in a polite and way too formal tone, "Yes, just getting some things straight"

Mitch smiled, but for some reason Scott couldn't take it seriously.

Deaton turned to Anna, very eager, it seemed, to change the subject.

He gave her some pills.

"Just feed her two of these each day, and it should clear everything up"

Anna beamed as she said "Thank you"

Her dog grumbled noisily then turned away, as if she was saying under no circumstance was she going to let Anna stick them down her throat.

"Oh shush you" Anna said, wagging her finger at her dog.

Scott turned to Mitch as he said, "You told me that you had another reason for talking to me?"

Mitch clicked his fingers as he remembered and said, "Oh yeah!"

Mitch told Scott rather bluntly, knowing the alpha wouldn't like it "I want to train you and your pack"

Scott's eyes widened as he spluttered, "T-train us?"

Mitch said with amusement, shaking his head "Okay, maybe that didn't come out right but-" His tone became more serious "-I want to teach your pack how much to fight"

Scott scoffed "You?"

He raised his eyebrows at Scott's disbelief as he said calmly, "Try to remember it has been eight years since we've seen each other"

He wasn't the human that clumsily fell over everything and couldn't defend himself anymore. Scott should know that.

"He did just beat most of the pack and could have killed you if he wanted too, back in the woods" Anna pointed out.

Scott reddened, he opened his mouth to reply, but then promptly closed it.

He frowned as he addressed Mitch, "How did you do that?

Like there was some sort of trick to it?

Mitch rolled his eyes as he said, "You werewolves think so highly of yourselves. Yeah, you have supernatural strength, but it's not as above us as you think. You may heal quickly, but a well-placed blow from a human, any human, can still hurt you. Even eight years ago, when I hadn't had training for the CIA, I was still able to knock over Theo with a punch. Jackson also, when he was human, took your werewolf ass down on the field".

He said more smoothly and calmly "My job in the CIA is secretive and dangerous, some people with the same training as me, might come looking for me here. I need to know you can fight them".

Anna's eyes widened in realization as she said quickly, "That's why you attacked them, you-"

"Yeah, I wanted to see how well they'd do against someone like me, terrible it seems" Mitch muttered, shaking his head.

Scott reddened even further as he spluttered, "We weren't that bad-"

"Weren't that bad? If I was doing it for real, you and most of your pack would have been killed. My gun was at your head, Scott! It was too close for you to dodge and my finger pressing the trigger would have been too fast for you to do anything" Mitch snapped, eyes narrowing.

He stepped into Scott's personal space as he said, "If I was doing this for real, you'd be still in the woods with a bullet wound in your head. You may be able to heal from many injuries that would be fatal to humans, but a bullet to your brain isn't one of them!"

Scott stepped backwards, paling as the reality of what could off happened seemed to catch up with him.

"You can't just use brute force on someone like me. Skill and experience always beats brute strength and to be honest, I'm not too fond of being here, but if I am going to be here, I want to at least make use of my time and make sure you both and the pack can defend yourselves, my father and anyone who could be used against me" Mitch said simply.

Scott shook his head in disbelief but now sounding more concerned than angry or embarrassed, "Used against you? Stiles, what did you get yourself into?"

Nothing I want you or them to be a part of, Mitch thought grimly, but he didn't respond.

Anna asked with simple curiously, "I don't mean offense, but why did you come here in the first place?"

Mitch waved it off but answered anyway "That's okay" He sighed as he said "My boss made me come, she thought I needed a break, thought it would help me"

"Has it helped so far?" Scott said, but not sounding very sincere, though he did attempt it by smiling.

Mitch laughed, it sounded hollow as he said, "So far?"

He didn't smile back.

Sorry this is coming out so slow lately, I have a couple of pieces of course work due in soon and I'm leaving early for a holiday, which I'm really exited about but nervous as I hate flying though I'll try and quicken the pace a bit, though I may be only able to start updating really regally like one a day after Christmas x

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now