Strings Knotting Together

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His dreams were peaceful that night. Slow, peaceful and relaxing. He was positive Peter would have caused more deaths somehow, someone like him could never turn completely. But he was gone now, no need to worry about that anymore. 

He did however wake a little confused. 

The phone calls and texts he wasn't bothered by. He knew they'd react badly once they found out about Peter. If they did find out. Even Christopher would have caused them to want to have a chat with him the next day, no these things weren't the source of his confusion. 

His confusion was a very familiar women lying in bed with him.


It came out blurred when he tried to think back to what actually happened last night. 

Mitch glanced around the room, not removing her from his embrace yet. When what must have happened caught his eye. Three bottles were lying on the floor in his room and his underwear and clothes were also lying in a rumbled heap on the floor.

Along with Anna's clothes and underwear. 

She'd left him the first time, it seemed she'd stayed this time but that could possibly be to the alcohol in their system. 

His head started to ache. 

How much had he drunk last night? It must have been more than just three bottles, there properly some more in his kitchen. 

He couldn't remember properly what had happened at all. 

"Fuck" Mitch muttered, slumping back on his bed. 

He massaged his temples which had started to thrum painfully. This was not what a top agent was meant to be doing, he hadn't been drunk in ages. It wouldn't do him any good. 

Mitch slowly unwrapped himself from Anna and made his way unsteadily to his Kitchen, pouring  himself a glass of water, hoping it would help with the headache. 


He turned to see Anna holding herself against the wall to his bedroom while holding his covers over herself. 

Her eyes widened and she turned away quickly. 

"You're naked!" She yelped. 

Mitch rolled his eyes but he replied cheerfully "Nothing you haven't seen before, recently to I may add" 

He wasn't at all embarrassed or shy about his body any more, with the life he'd had for the last years had shaped him really well. 

Anna turned a bright red, blushing but she still didn't turn around as she said "So I take it you remember then? You did drink quite a lot" 

"No, I made a deduction as to what my underwear and yours was doing on the floor and now I'm here, wishing I never woke up" Mitch sighed, wincing again. 

Everything seemed to bright and his headache was making everything worse. He was about to ask her but then he remembered that wolves didn't get affected to Alcohol like he did. Then...

Instead he said playfully "You took advantage of me"  

Anna snorted as she replied "Like you would of said no if you were sober" 

Mitch shrugged, agreeing, yeah that was true. 

"I couldn't say no to you" He said teasingly. 

"Of course you couldn't" She replied playfully back. 

Anna then turned to look at him before that she'd grabbed some of his clothes. He put the drink down and caught them as she throw them at him. 

"Just put some clothes on" She sighed, exasperated. 

Mitch chuckled as she walked into his room, closing the door. 

 He didn't worry about revealing any secret information, he trusted his drunk self on that account. He was talkative under the influence but not on the CIA part of his life, they'd all trained not to be. CIA was his life and even when drunk he'd know better than to put his life at risk. 

Now talking about crap that was simply embarrassing was another story. 

As he pulled on his pants he called out to her "Anna, I...I er didn't say anything stupid did I?" 

She heard her giggle. 

Mitch's eyes narrowed. 

"What did I say?" 

"You didn't say anything, don't worry" 

"You just laughed!" 

She didn't reply for a while then she opened the door, all dressed. She did go a little red when she saw him "I think you forget something?" 

"What?" He asked, smirking as he knew perfectly well what she was talking about. 

"Like you're shirt, maybe" Anna said, coming up to him and actually poking him in the chest. 

"You sure?" He asked cheekily. 

"Stiles!" Anna complained, really red in the face now and not able to stop herself looking at his chest. What could she say or do? He was ripped. And he knew it to. 

"Fine, if you want me to put on my shirt so badly, tell me what I said" 

"You're such a child" She huffed. 


She didn't reply. 

"Eyes up here" He sniggered. 

She glared at him but it didn't have any heat though her shoulders did slump as she sighed long suffering but not serious "I wanted to blackmail you with it" 

"Nope" Mitch chuckled. 

She crossed her arms and narrowed her eyes at him as she said but sounding amused "Okay, fine. You wanted to know? Here you go you told me you used to have a huge crush on Lydia, so much so in your teens your room used to be filled with presents for her. Next you said you didn't like reporters but I was special in this gooey puppy like voice and you also told me that in the CIA, though you wouldn't tell me where you were or what mission it was, you got shot, in the ass. Which does explain to me why you wouldn't tell me where that scar came from when we did it, the first time" 

 Mitch felt himself go completely red in the face. 

He felt like he'd been stunned. 

Anna smiled then tapped his chest jokingly "Okay hot shot, lets get ready, I'm sure the pack would love to see you after yesterday and after this all blows over I can't wait to tell them what you said. Now, put your shirt on would you?" 

Then she grabbed her bags, giving him a smirk then left. 

Realisation at what she'd just said ripped into him suddenly. 

He ran after her, pulling his shirt on and grabbing his phone as he did so. 

"No! Wait- Anna!" 

(Fun Fact from American Assassin book series, if you don't want to read it stop now but anyway, Mitch Rapp was actually shot in the bum within the books but much later in the books when he was older) ;)

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