It's My Job

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The sound of the gun shattered within the air and a group of birds flew from the trees, startled by the sound. 

The next sound was a thump of a body hitting the ground. 

Christopher was dead before he hit the floor. 

"Stiles!" A roar echoed across the trees. 

Mitch rolled his eyes after checking his gun over, he put it back, strapped in his bag. Anna and Malia stared at him. 

Scott soon came out of the trees, eyes focused on Mitch with fury. 

"You better have not done what I think y-" 

He stopped. 

Christopher lay on the floor, face down. A clear bullet wound in the back of his head, going through the brain. Blood and brain matter leaked out of the wound. 

Scott stepped backwards, eyes widening as he took a sharp breath inwards. Not only that but Scott also saw how accurate the shot was, completely in the middle of the back of Christopher's head.

He turned to Mitch.

They stared at each other. 

Scot couldn't believe it. He shook his head, shaking it in disbelief. This...this couldn't be true!

Stiles eyes were cold and sharp. His smile was mocking. He had very different eyes from what Scott remembered. Something different in them.

" could you?" Scott demanded but also asked in shock.

This just couldn't be.

Stiles wouldn't...couldn't...

Mitch said casually as if what had just happened was completely normal "It's my job"

All eyes were on him. 

Other members of the pack came from the area, all had heard Malia and Anna but they stopped short at the scene in front of them. 

"Whats going on?" Liam asked. 

Why was everyone staring at Stiles? 

Theo's eyes narrowed but then he came to a realisation as he looked at the dead alpha werewolf. He smiled smugly as he said "So you're true colours are finally out, huh" 

"Shut. Up. Theo" Mitch growled, the calmness gone as soon as Theo spoke, looking like he'd love nothing more than to put a bullet in another skull today. 

"What do you mean, its your job" Scott said a anger but a nervousness to his voice as well. 

Mitch smiled with a fake sweetness as he said with false brightness "I'm an assassin Scott" 

"You said you worked for the CIA" He growled. 

Mitch shrugged as he said "I do" 

"The government wouldn't-" Scott said quickly but was interrupted by Mitch's mocking laugh. 

"You'd be surprised at what they would and wouldn't do" He sneered. 

Scott stared at him. 

He wanted to deny it. 

Say Stiles was crazy. 

But Scott could now see it. He hadn't been able to see it properly before. He'd been blind, hoping for a friendship with someone, someone he could clearly see now didn't exist. 

He'd missed the signs. 

Stiles strange smiles. His eyes far to dark at times. His language. How when he met everyone again his eyes seemed to size them all up, looking for their weaknesses. His body that clearly did not get that way, just by going to the gym. How comfortable he was with a gun in his hand. How he knew what it seemed like that he knew every point in the body if damaged could bring instant death or serious harm. 

He had wanted to believe so much that this was the same Stiles that had left, that he deluded himself into believing it. 

 Scott wanted to say so much more but all he could get out of his mouth was, his voice cracked "I don't....why?"

Mitch glanced at the pack, everyone was staring at him in shock, he could even see some fear. Anna didn't look fearful though, or shocked, she was looking at him with sympathy? 

Theo looked interested and he looked smug. 

His expression was enough for Mitch to let out a long breath, trying to hold in his temper, his hands closing into clenched fists. 

Not the time to shoot him, he told himself. 

Especially not in front of the pack right now. 

He finally answered Scott, holding his head up high "To save people, like you" 

Scott's expression twisted at that and he said furiously, shaking his head "I'm nothing like you! I don't kill people for a living! I don't-" 

Mitch felt something snap inside him.

The restraint he had to put on himself from punching Scott right then was unbelievable.  

"You don't what?! Put killers lives before your pack or innocent people? Because thats what you're doing and done! Peter, Gerard, Kate, Theo, Jackson and me!" He shouted, right in Scott's face. 

They all should have died. 

He should have died before the Nogitsune made him kill all those people. 

Difference was him and Jackson were trying to do some good in the world, trying to make things better for themselves. He was even trying to save other people. 

But what about the others? 

Why did they get to live? Why were they still alive? And he knew they were, Scott and his pack were the only ones really in charge of their lives and had the means to find them and stop them.  

Mitch's voice was laced with authority and was ferocious that cut through Scott like a knife "Like it or not Scott, you can't solve everyones problems by becoming friends with them and giving them hugs. Eventually you need to realise that or honestly? You're going to get everyone in your pack killed!

You're going to get everyone in your pack killed!" 

It seemed to echo across the trees and in the wind afterwards, wrapping around everyones heart. 

Mitch then stepped backwards, locking eyes with everyone in the pack. No one could look him properly in the eyes, not even Theo.

He hoped Theo could see his own death when he looked in Mitch's eyes and feel it coming closer. 

 Still fuming and restraining himself from strangling Theo, including thinking of all the other bastards that were still alive because of Scott's mercy.  He turned around and he left. 

He decided he'd had enough for today. 

He was done.

It's My Job (Mitch Rapp/Teen Wolf Cross Over)Where stories live. Discover now