A few years ago, I was Harry Potter for Halloween, and rather than buying a wand, I decided to whittle one myself. It looked AWFUL. The stick was to curved, it had lots of knots, and since we sawed it off of a tree, it was too light in color. Here, see for yourself:
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I was NOT satisfied. So, a few days ago, I decided I was going yo make a better one. The first one took me just a few minutes, so it lacked details. A LOT of details. It was the day before Halloween, so I didn't have time for details. However, I have all the time I want on this one, so I could pick a good stick that was straight, and I could take time to add details. It took a few days to whittle, and now I've moved on to the really small details. This is what it looked like a few days ago, after the whittling part was finished.
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I'm about to go finish it (apply the last coats of finish, put bark-like slits in the handle, etc.) and show you the finished product.
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To be honest, it probably isn't done.
I lied.
I'm probably gonna get some actual paint, since this is just wood finish. But as you can see, DEATAILS, GLORIOUS DETAILS!!! There are wood-like notches in the wood, (which are probably very hard to see), slight brown coloring in the...everywhere that isn't the handle, and a straight stick. I personally think it looks pretty cool, definitely better than the (😒pshhhhht) other one. But I want to hear from you! What do you think? Please comment, and be honest! Tell me you really think of it!