Lilly, i never meant you had to live me again. I meant i wanted to talk. I wanted you to come back so im not left here in a cloud of dust. I feel like you are hating me for everything i do, just because im the ine doing it. I know you hate me. And i am honestly really really hurt. Im beginning to know how you felt. Your friend is attacking me now too, you dropped me like the trash i am, you got overe like one of your fucking steps, and you hate me for everything i do! What did i do? What happened? Why did this happen all of the sudden? Was it all fake? Did you ever love me? Or was i just something to entertain you for a while...some crappy toy to play with until you broke me? I dont get it. You cant pour your heart and sould out to someone and love them with everything you have, and then all of the sudden decide, "hey, you know what, i dont like this guy anymore. Yup, out with ye" in just one week!
Im sorry, Lilly. I dont know what else you want from sorry you have to know me, bye.
I love you, still.