New Friends!!

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      A few years ago in a small town in Georgia, USA, the sound of a moving van filled the air. A very curious 5 year old named Chandler stuck his head out the door of his house and saw the moving van.

      "New friends!!" the five year old shouted in excitement and ran to the kitchen where his mother, Gina, was washing the dishes.

​​​​​​​       "Mummy, mummy!! New friends!!" he shouted tugging on his mum's apron.
Gina chuckled at her son's excitement and said, "That's great, Chandler, but we'll have to meet them later. I'm still washing the dishes."

      "but I wanna go now!" Chandler frowned.

      "Sorry sweetie but you'll just have to wait, besides I'm almost done" his mother replied and with that Chandler trudged to living room, off to watch more Spongebob while he waited for his mum to finish with the chores.

      After what seemed like forever to Chandler, his mum finally finished the chores and they went to their new neighbor's house to greet them. As they neared the house, Chandler spots a woman with a little girl standing next to her and because of this a grin appears on his face. You see, Chandler is an only child and has no friends so he is very lonely. (A/N:this story will not be based on Chandler's life outside TWD so if there are errors about his life then it isn't accidental, I'm just not that kind of fan who searches up every single thing there is to now about your idol XD but to the people who do, I commend you ;))

      "So I guess you are our new neighbors?" Gina says as they near so as to not startle the pair but she ends up doing so any way.

      "Oh Hi! I'm (M/N mom's name) and this is my daughter, (Y/N)" the woman says, gesturing to the girl at her side who in return, smiles brightly.

      "Hi! It's wonderful to meet you! I'm Gina and this is my son Chandler " Gina replies, also gesturing to the hyper boy at her side.

      As the adults engage in their own conversation, Chandler approaches (Y/N) and says, "Hi! My name is Chandler! How about yours?"

      "I'm (Y/N)!" The four year old girl beams at the boy.

      "Wanna be my friend?"Chandler asks, hope lingering in his eyes.

      "I'd love to!" The girl replied, giggling.

      Chandler grinned and said "wanna play at my house?"

      "wait I need to ask my mummy" (Y/N) replies and goes to the two mothers chatting and laughing here and there.

      "mummy?" (Y/N) says tugging at her mother's jeans, "can I go to Chandler's house to play?"

      After asking Gina if it was alright she replies "sure honey. You go right ahead. We'll follow"
After telling the brown haired boy, Chandler leads her to the backyard, giggling with the two adults trailing behind.

                                                                        *Time Skip to Present*

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

      I smile as I remember my memories with Chandler. All the fun we had together. All the times we played Princess and the Knight, but that was 10 years ago. You see, when I turned 8 I had to move, again, but to New York this time due to my mom's work. Since we were still 8 and we didn't have cellphones yet, much less did we now how to use one, so we quickly lost touch. Chandler is now sixteen and famous for his role in The Walking Dead and I will admit it is my most favorite series on television, but not just cuz of Chandler. I just recently moved back to Atlanta, Georgia, but I wouldn't tell Chandler about that of course, I mean he was famous now and I'm just a nobody and I'm pretty sure that after 7 years of not talking to each other, it'd be pretty akward for the both of us to meet up just like that. The only good news about moving is that my best friend, (F/N), from New York also decided to move here with her mum as well.

      "(Y/N)! (F/N friend's name) is here!" I hear my mom shout from downstairs.

      "I'll be down in a sec!" I shout back. I look at myself in the mirror once more and grab my phone and head downstairs.

      "took you long enough"(F/N) said as I climbed down the steps.

      "well sorry then. I woke up late" I replied and went out the door, shouting a farewell to my mom over my shoulder.

      "So where we headed and why?" I asked, getting in her car and strapping on the seatbelt.

      "To the mall and to go shopping. Duh. It'll just be a typical girls' day out"(F/N) grinned at me and started the car.

A/N:So my first ever story that I have posted! What do you guys think? Should I continue it or nah? Anyways I hope you like the first chapter of my first story and I hope you read it all the way to the end :) Also I would love feedback from any of you guys :D I think that it would really help me improve :) Also!! I have this story on another site! So if you recognize this story somewhere else... It's still me guys!! Until next time

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