HEY, HEY, I'M ready
Hey, boy come and get me
Don't be scared show me what you do
Don't you know a girl likes a boy who moves?
The girls of Little Mix finished off the last few lyrics of Move on X-Factor Australia. Tired, sweaty, but exhilarated, they stepped closer to the edge of the stage and met Luke Jacobz, the host.
"Girls, thank you so much! Welcome back! So good to have you here!" he yelled into his microphone, "Okay. Now, Leigh-Anne, you girls won the X-Factor not long ago, so you know what our finalists are going through right now. What advice would you give to our finalists?"
"I would just say, be yourselves. Stay true to who you are and just enjoy every single second of it, because we had a blast!" Leigh-Anne told Luke, "Like, it was just amazing."
"And you're still having a blast!" Luke stated.
"Exactly!" Leigh-Anne exclaimed while the other girls laughed.
When they started to walk off stage, they went to meet the other contestants still standing in the competition. Third D3gree, Taylor Henderson, Jai Waetford and Dami Im.
After having a quick chat to them, the girls decided they would go home. They wished Taylor and Third D3gree luck in the bottom two and left the building.
The girls walked tiredly to the van that would pick them up. After signing a few things from fans, they all slumped into the van.
"I love Australian Mixers!" Leigh-Anne exclaimed.
The other girls agreed excitedly. After a small conversation about the Mixers in Australia, Perrie changed the subject abruptly.
"I want to see Zayn!" she whined.
"Oh, pet," Jade calmed, "You'll see him soon."
"If she doesn't kill herself beforehand," Jesy murmured, but Perrie heard.
She shot daggers through her eyes at Jesy and the other girls just laughed while Jesy smirked.
Jesy returned to whatever she was doing on her phone and Leigh-Anne and Perrie had a little conversation, leaving Jade to think.
She looked to Jesy scrolling on her phone. She traced her beautiful round eyes that were a beautiful golden hazel colour, then looked at her lovely wavy hair. With a face like that, the boys would come running.
She then met her gaze to Perrie's. She looked at her wide, piercing blue eyes and her beautiful defined features. It wasn't a mistery why Zayn loved that girl. Not only was she beautiful, but her personality was so amazing, it could light up a dead bulb.
She then moved her attention to Leigh-Anne. Her beautiful frizzy black hair bobbed while she spoke and her smile went wide. Her cat-shaped eyeliner made her big brown eyes stand out beautifully and she had the complexion of a goddess.
Jade sighed in contentment. She was so happy to have such beautiful friends, who always helped her, always cared for her. It didn't matter what anybody said about them. It wasn't true and she knew it.
Perrie turned around and saw Jade looking at her. She smiled warmly, to which Jade brightly returned.
"You alright, baba?" Perrie asked Jade.
"Dandy," Jade replied.
Perrie smiled once again, then turned her head so she was looking ahead, out of the window. They had stopped at a red light, but Perrie noticed something that appeared suddenly. She squinted her eyes, as if it would help her see the thing. It looked like a figure - a man's figure - and it was walking straight towards their van. How could the driver not see that?
"What is that?" Perrie asked to no one in particular, her eyes going wider with each step the man took.
Jesy turned her attention to outside the window. Once she saw the figure she gasped.
"Mr driver man?" she shakily questioned.
There was no reply. Typical. She looked worriedly out of the window again, to which she saw the man standing directly outside if the car.
"Oh!" Jesy cried out of fright.
Perrie couldn't mutter a word. Jade and Leigh-Anne turned their attention the the window and saw the figure. Jade immediately dropped the iPod in her hands, her earphones falling out of her ears. Leigh-Anne gasped and started etching towards the back of the van.
The man - which they could now just make out the face - smiled crookedly and held up something. Jade noticed it to be an axe. An axe!
"Girls, get down!" she screeched and pushed all of them onto the floor.
She just finished pushing Leigh-Anne, who was furtherest away from her onto the ground when the axe made contact with the window.
Glass pieces flew everywhere as Jade flung her arms over her head and face. She felt a sharp piece of glass slice across her arm then fall away and she screamed.
"Jade!" Perrie sobbed desperately.
She scrambled to help her friend down onto the floor with her and the other two girls. Jade looked at Perrie's mascara-streaked face.
"Stay down, Perrie!" Jade screeched.
If anyone had to die, it would be her. She was certain she wasn't needed in the group and the other girls were too precious to her.
"Jade!" Perrie squeaked, tears streaming down her beautiful face.
Another piece of glass hit Jade's waist and she winced in pain. She let out a cry of pain, but kept her arms sheltering her face.
"Jade!" Jesy screamed this time, "Come down here!"
Jade shook her head vigorously, until she felt arms pull her down.
"Jade!" Leigh-Anne shouted hysterically, "You could've got yourself kill-"
Then her shriek interrupted her as a piece of glass slid across her arm, cutting her flesh. She cursed under her breath and gasped at how deep the wound was.
"Oh my gosh, Leigh!" Jade shouted.
"Stay down!" they heard an unfamiliar masculine voice say.
All the girls froze, hugging each other on the ground. Tears spilled from Perrie's eyes as she realised how close she was to losing her Jade. Her baba. Her best friend. Her sister. She nuzzled her head into Jade's neck, petrified. Jade leaned her head on Perrie's shoulder, stiff and hurting all over.
A mist filled the air and the girls heard loud thuds - presumably the man's footsteps. Jesy gasped when she realised what the mist was.
"Oh my gosh," she muttered, her eyes drooping, "Girls! This mist- it's.."
But, she never finished the sentence as she dropped to the floor in sleep. Leigh-Anne shrieked and tried to shake Jesy from her slumber. She started to become drowsy and placed her forehead on Jesy's limp arm as she fell asleep as well.
Perrie realised she was the last to not be asleep. She tried to pull the girls out from the van, but felt weak all over. She screamed in frustration, but it came out small and vulnerable. She looked at her dear Jade once more before she slipped into darkness.

suddenly | little mix
FanfictionJade Thirlwall. Jesy Nelson. Leigh-Anne Pinnock. Perrie Edwards. These four girls are part of the worldwide famous UK girl-group, Little Mix. On their rise to fame, they must travel all around the world. October 21, 2013 it all happened. They we...