Chapter 2

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JESY WOKE UP on what felt like concrete with a pounding headache. She pried open her eyes, only to be met with darkness. She didn't know where she was, and honestly, she was scared to death. But, she remained calm, for the sake of the other girls. Where were the other girls?

She heard sniffling and her paranoia increased.

"H-hello?" Jesy shakily called out.

"J-Jesy?" a weak and small voice, which belonged to Perrie asked, "I-is that y-you?"

"Yeah, it's me Pez," Jesy answered, "Where are you?"

"O-over h-here," Perrie replied.

Jesy couldn't help but feel sorry for the poor girl. She didn't need to experience this. She was only 20, for Pete's sake. This would be too much for her.

"Sing a tune for me, Perrie, and I'll follow your voice," Jesy suggested, "Okay?"

Perrie started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and eventually Jesy found where Perrie was sitting. She wrapped her arms around the petite girl and Perrie leaned her head on Jesy's shoulder.

"W-where are we, Jes?" Perrie asked, vulnerably.

"I.." Jesy started, but she didn't know how to finish, "I don't know."

She heard Perrie whimper and sniffle again. It was only then that Jesy realised Perrie was crying. She turned the blonde girl so she was facing herself and wiped her tears away.

"Hey, it's okay," Jesy cooed, "We're going to be okay, yeah?"

Perrie merely nodded. She felt terrible. Being the first to wake - as she was the last to fall asleep - was petrifying. She had no idea where the other girls were situated and she felt so useless. So, - being the weak girl she thought she was - she just cried the entire time, hoping someone would wake soon.

"Perrie, do you know where the others are?" Jesy asked, trying to be strong for the blue-eyed girl.

"N-no," Perrie replied, softly, "I woke on my own."

Jesy nodded. After a while she heard stirring in a corner. She shushed Perrie and listened intently. Maybe it was one of the girls?

"Leigh-Anne? Jade?" Jesy called out, unsurely.

"Jesy? Is that you?" Jade called out.

"Oh, Jade!" Jesy cried, "Where are you?"

"Making my way to you now."

Jade soon found where Jesy was seated and immediately hugged her. Jesy rubbed the girl's back with such care, it almost made Jade cry. She couldn't understand why she couldn't be such a nice person and she hated herself for it.

"Where's Leigh-Anne and Perrie?" Jade asked.

Jade was desperate to find Perrie. Seeing the poor girl's mascara-streaked face made her weak every time she thought about it. She needed to be there for Perrie and tell her everything was going to be okay - though she was not so sure about that herself.

"Perrie's right here. But, I don't know where Leigh-Anne is," Jesy sighed.

Where was Leigh? Jesy was determined to find her. She had to. It was funny, because Jesy never thought herself to be the strong one, but here she was, being the rock out of the two girls in front of her.

"J-Jade?" Perrie's small voice called out.

"Perrie!" Jade shrieked as she wobbled over to her.

She immediately embraced the blonde with a hug. Jesy smiled at the two girls. She felt so worried, but she knew they were going to get through this.

We're gonna stick together know we'll get through it all..

"Jesy?" she heard someone whisper from right beside her.

She jumped in fright and placed a hand over her heart. That had scared her a lot. The voice was eery, almost freaky. But, she would remember that voice from anywhere.

"Leigh!" Jesy cried, "Oh my goodness, you were beside me this whole time!"

Leigh-Anne chuckled a bit, but you could hear the hurt in her voice. Jesy thought back and remembered that sharp piece of glass cutting through Leigh-Anne's skin and remembered the oozing blood. The thought made her sick, but once again, she felt the need to be strong.

She hugged Leigh-Anne in the darkness, not uttering a word. She stroked her frizzy dark hair and hummed softly, hoping to lighten up the atmosphere, just a little.

Leigh-Anne most definitely felt safe in Jesy's arms. She closed her eyes as Jesy started humming. As terrified as she was, Jesy's voice would always calm her down. Leigh-Anne started humming with Jesy when she realised Jesy was humming to Change Your Life.

Jade soon joined in, hoping it would calm Perrie, who was still having a hard time breathing evenly. She rubbed her back and hummed the song's tune until she heard a large crash. Noise coming from the girls' mouths silenced almost instantly.

Lights suddenly turned on and Perrie saw a man with a gun in his hands - the gun being pointed towards her best friends and herself. She let out a loud whimper and she heard Jade's breath hitch.

She looked towards Leigh-Anne and Jesy, who were staring wide-eyed at either the gun or the man.

"Don't move and no one gets hurt!" the man shouted.

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