Chapter 5

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JESY WAS PUSHED into a seat and strapped down by duct tape.

"What do you want from us?!" Jesy screamed angrily.

"From you, Miss Nelson, we want money," Yasmin answered.

"Money?" Jesy repeated.

"Yes," Yasmin said.

"Get your own money!" Jesy angrily replied.

Yasmin slammed her hand down on the table in front of them, causing Jesy to jump. She looked at Jesy with so much hatred, that if looks could kill, Jesy would be a goner.

"Have three million Australian dollars by, not next Monday, but the Monday after at this time. That gives you two weeks, sweetheart. Got it?" Yasmin explained.

"And if I don't?" Jesy spat.

"If you don't," Yasmin smirked, "You can say goodbye to your little friend."

"My little friend?" Jesy repeats in more of a questioning tone.

"Ethan!" Yasmin called out.

In came Ethan with a struggling Leigh-Anne. Jesy's eyes widened and she looked at Yasmin, then to Ethan and Leigh-Anne and back to Yasmin.

"W-what are you going to do to her?" Jesy asked, not sure if she wanted to know.

Yasmin nodded towards where Leigh-Anne was sitting and Jesy followed her gaze. Ethan brought out a knife and sliced it across Leigh-Anne's good arm. Leigh-Anne shrieked and closed her eyes in pain. Jesy gasped.

"Leigh!" Jesy cried out.

"Shut up!" Yasmin yelled.

She picked up Jesy from her seat and started pushing her towards the exit. Suddenly, Jesy was injected with a needle. She screamed in pain and Yasmin chuckled.

"It's your tracking device," Yasmin explained, "So, don't you dare go to the police station, because we know you are there if you do. Unless of course you want lights out for yourself and your precious Miss Pinnock. Understand?"

Jesy nodded and gulped. It was definitely going to be a long two weeks.

"Do whatever it takes to get that three million. I don't want to see you back here before you get it. If it's even a second late, you can say 'nighty night' to Miss Pinnock. Clear?" Yasmin explained further.

"Crystal," Jesy mumbled in reply.

"Good," Yasmin nodded.

She thrusted Jesy through the exit. She started closing the door, but left it open a bit to say:

"Happy searching!"

Then, she cackled evilly and closed the door fully. Jesy stood in the rain, shocked and completely not sure of what to do. The girls and her had left all their savings in England. Great. She was definitely not going to steal anything - that was completely against her morals. What was she to do? She sighed and slumped down on the sidewalk, her face in her hands.

"You alright ma'am?" someone asked.

Jesy looked up from her hands to see a police officer. Crap. She stood quickly and dusted herself off. She looked left and right and then back to the police officer.

"Yes, sorry," Jesy apologised.

"Okay, have a nice night, ma'am," the police man said.

"You too, sir," Jesy replied.

Once the police officer walked away, Jesy flipped out her phone. She contemplated calling Zayn or one of the boys since they were here in Australia, too. If she did, she would get in trouble and that might cause Leigh-Anne's death. She shuddered at that thought. She decided to call a cab instead.

Once the cab arrived, she asked the driver to take her to the nearest hotel. She sat quietly while he took her to one. She rented out a hotel room and once she got there, she slipped into the floor a cried her heart out. What was she going to do?

David closed the door behind him, leaving Jade and Sam alone. Sam immediately turned his attention to Jade.

"Jade, I need you to listen carefully. Alright?" Sam started.

Jade nodded and listened intently. She sort of already knew what was coming, but she didn't want to hear it.

"Whatever they say, don't tell them the truth," Sam finished.

"What?" Jade said incredulously, "Sam, you could die! You can't die! I need you!"

"Jade, don't make this harder than it already is," Sam reasoned.

Tears started spilling down Jade's soft cheeks. She shook her head vigorously.

"No, Sam," she declared, "I won't do it."

She shakily wiped the tears away from her cheeks with her arm. It hardly did anything as the tears kept on falling.

"Jade, you have to," Sam said, "Your life is at stake!"

"What better is my life than yours?" Jade complained.

"You're in the worldwide famous UK girl-group Little Mix, maybe?" Sam rolled his eyes.

"You're part of Diversity!" Jade countered.

"Hardly anyone knows Diversity out of the UK, Jade," Sam sighed.

"It's not true!" Jade yelled, tears now soaking her shirt, "You can't die, Sam. You can't. I won't be able to live with myself knowing that I was the reason you died!"

"Under my consent, Jade!" Sam said, growing frustrated.

"I won't do it!" Jade whined, "And that's that."

"Jade, listen," Sam pleaded, "I love you so much. You know that-"

"I love you, too, Sam," Jade interrupted softly, tears still slipping down her cheeks, "That's why I won't do it."

"And, I love you too much to see you die in front of my eyes," Sam choked out, his eyes starting to water, "So, you have to do this. For me."

Jade let out a sob and put her face in her hands.

"I can't," she whimpered, but it came out muffled as her face was still in her hands.

"You have to," Sam said softly, "Please, Jade. You're too precious to me. Y-you can't die."

"Times up!" David barged in.

"Please," Sam whispered so only Jade heard.

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