A SHRILL ALARM is what woke Jesy on the third day. There was only one week and four days before the cut-off point. Only one week and four days before everything she ever cared for - her bandmates, her best friends, her sisters - will be gone.
Jesy groaned hoarsely and pulled the soft covers further over her head. She knew she had to get up and work, but she honestly couldn't be bothered. She reached her hand over and clicked off the alarm. It would've been about eight o'clock in the morning right then.
She slowly and surely sat up, rubbing her tired eyes. She lifted her sleep deprived body off of the incredibly comfortable bed. In this situation, and Jesy didn't know why, the girls' new song that hadn't been released yet, These Four Walls came to mind. She knew it was about love, but she couldn't help but think it fit extraordinarily in the situation she and the other girls were in now.
She was alone, wishing the girls were here. The pillow's wet from all those tears she'd cried. All her pride was gone. She just wanted to hear one of the girls' voices. She wished she had one more night for goodbye. She was alone with herself and those four walls. The song, it just fit perfectly.
Jesy sighed as a single tear fell from her eye. She softly sang the last lyric to herself. These four walls and me...
She stood from her sitting position, when her phone started ringing like there was no tomorrow. She jumped so high, she was surprised she didn't hit the ceiling. She picked up the phone and checked the caller ID. She immediately clicked accept call.
"Perrie!" Jesy exclaimed, relief flooding through her veins.
But, then she started panicking, "Are you alright? Are they torturing you? Are the girls dead? Oh my gosh, what are they doing to you?"
Tears started steadily flowing from her eyes when Perrie answered, "Jesy, I'm okay!"
Hearing Perrie's thick Georgie accent relaxed Jesy slightly. That was all she needed - to hear one of the girls, safe and sound. She started pacing.
"Leigh? Jade?" she shakily asked.
She heard a gulp from the other end, "I-I don't know."
Jesy's breathing hitched. They could be doing anything to those girls. They could be killing them for all she knew. Jesy's breath rapidly increased as she started to experience a panic attack.
"J-Jesy?" Perrie asked. She knew what was happening, "Jesy, I want you to breathe in and out. In. Out. That's it baba, keep breathing. Steady, now."
Jesy followed Perrie's instructions, breathing in and out slowly. When she relaxed finally, Perrie continued.
"I want you to meet me outside of the hotel, okay?" Perrie said.
"I can't," Jesy whispered, "I've got a tracker. They'll kill you."
Jesy heard Perrie curse on the other end, then say, "Okay. Stay in the hotel room. Don't go anywhere. Got it?"
"Nowhere!" Perrie interrupted, abruptly, "Until I say. Okay?"
Jesy was a bit startled by her forwardness to say the least, "O-okay. I will. I promise."
"That's a girl," Perrie said, "You'll be fine, okay?"
"O-okay," Jesy muttered.
"If you get another pancake..." Perrie started.
Pancake was the code word for panic attack, because even just the mention of one can start a really severe panic. Jesy first started experiencing panic attacks when she joined X-Factor. It was the side-effects of those really rude things people said on twitter. It really shook the poor girl. She was much better then and only got them on really serious issues, such as then.
"...Please call me," Perrie finished.
"I will," Jesy promised.
"Sam!" Jade shrieked as soon as the needle hit his skin.
Sam slumped in David's grip and fell to the floor. He was dead. Dead. Gone. Forever. Tears started pouring out of Jade's light brown eyes.
"You monster!" she shouted at David, struggling in George's grip.
When she finally got free of George's clutches, she sprinted towards David. Leaping off of the ground, she jumped on David and started doing everything she thought would be painful. She scratched his skin and kicked and punched and screamed.
"Don't just stand there, George!" Graham shouted, "Get the girl off of him!"
Jade managed to scratch David one last time before George got her off of him. She struggled once again, screaming and kicking. She screamed so loud, Graham had to leave. Jade took this as an opportunity to kick George where the sun don't shine - again.
She ran towards Sam and collapsed next to him. She looked over at his body, which was limp and battered. She shook him rapidly, urgency surging through her body.
"Sam!" she cried, "Sam, stay with me! Come on. W-wake up! Sam?"
Her shaking slowed and tears fell from her eyes and onto his T-Shirt. She placed her head on his shoulder and started crying her poor heart out. David and George decided to give her some time and left her to herself.
"Sam?" Jade whispered after a while, "I have to tell you something. Are you listening?"
There was no answer from Sam. Jade was expecting this, anyway.
She continued, "One day, we were going to get married," she said in a soft voice, stroking his cheek, "We were going to have a family and raise our children - together. We were going to be with each other, forever."
That's when her voice broke and she couldn't take it. She broke into uncontrollable sobs. She hated Graham. She hated George. She hated David and Izzy. She hated everyone that did anything to her poor Sammy.
"Sam..." she whispered, sadly, "I-I love you."
:'( poor Sammy.
Sorry for this chapter not being that long.
I thought of These Four Walls and thought it was an awesome idea to include their songs into this book somehow and I did. Actually, I was listening to it while writing this and it got me so emotional. :'(
Love you guys, hope you didn't cry too hard in this...'cause I did...
Jules xxx

suddenly | little mix
FanfictionJade Thirlwall. Jesy Nelson. Leigh-Anne Pinnock. Perrie Edwards. These four girls are part of the worldwide famous UK girl-group, Little Mix. On their rise to fame, they must travel all around the world. October 21, 2013 it all happened. They we...