Chapter 17

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JESY SAT PATIENTLY on the hotel bed, waiting for further instruction from Perrie. In all honesty, she was growing a little restless. She wanted to get out and going again. She actually kind of enjoyed the busking she did for a short amount of time.

She fiddled with her fingers, her eyes shooting in all directions, but always managing to land back on her phone. She was expecting a call from Perrie. Well, she hoped so, anyway.

She contemplated calling Perrie herself, but she remembered that when she picked up the phone and told Perrie about the tracking device, Perrie sort of freaked. So, Jesy decided against calling her.

"Damn it," Jesy mumbled, standing up.

She took a few steps towards the hotel room's door, then sat back on the bed. She had absolutely nothing to do. She couldn't go on Instagram or Twitter, because then people would immediately think that they're fine and they had been found. Then, Yasmin would kill her. Literally.

Then, she heard a knock at the door. She froze. Who could it have been? No one except management and their manager knew which hotel room they were in, except of course the hotel concierge.

She took slow and steady steps towards the door, making sure it seemed like no one was home. The knocks became more and more furious, leading Jesy to be more and more anxious. Who the hell could that have been?

Jesy finally reached the door and peeked through the peephole, recognising only one out of three people.


Harry's arm still was slung loosely over Perrie's shoulders while Zayn watched on. Zayn still didn't understand what the hell was happening. Why was Harry acting as if Perrie was his girl? Zayn thought it was Perrie and his engagement.

Perrie stopped suddenly, then looked at the boys. Harry stopped as well, but Zayn didn't realise, because he was thinking a little too hard, causing him to hit into a pole. Perrie giggled slightly and Harry guffawed, while Zayn glared at him.

Harry turned his attention to Perrie and started stroking her cheek, "What's wrong, babe?"

A fresh shot of jealousy coursed through Zayn's blood. Why was Harry calling Perrie, babe? It should have been him calling her that! He placed a hand on Harry's arm, causing Harry to look up at him.

"Mate," Zayn tried to warn him.

"Yes?" Harry asked, innocently.

How could Harry not know what was going on? Zayn snarled at him.

"What are you doing?"

Harry looked very confused, "Um...I don't know?"

"We can't go back to headquarters, Seb," Perrie spoke up, "They'll kill us for telling Zayn, over here."

"Oh, yeah," Harry said looking back at Perrie, "Where do we go, then?"

"Jolene!" Perrie eyes widened.

"What about her?" Harry asked.

"I'm here, too," Zayn raised his hand.

"Shut up!" Perrie and Harry both frowned at him, to which Zayn quietened down.

"Take your earpiece out, now!" Perrie exclaimed, ripping her earpiece out.

Harry took his out, too, then jumped on both of them, crushing them, therefore deactivating them.

"Okay," Perrie look back at Harry and grabbed his hand, intertwining their fingers, "I know where to go."

Zayn's heart cracked even more. Even Perrie was doing this? Were they cheating? No, they couldn't have been. Why would they have been doing it right in front of him? There must have been a logical explanation for this. Even so, he felt deflated.

"Let's go," Perrie tugged on Harry's hand as they started walking the other direction, not even waiting for Zayn.

Zayn stumbled after them, staying a distance behind, the pair not even noticing he wasn't beside them. Zayn sighed unhappily, kicking the rocks in front of him out of the way, stuffing his hands into his jean pockets.

He heard laughing and looked up to see Perrie giggling extremely cutely. Zayn smiled, feeling so glad that he had Perrie. He traced her features with his gaze, from the lopsided smile plastered on her face, to the creases on the skin beside her breathtakingly blue eyes, making her look even more gorgeous than she already was.

Then, he realised that she was laughing at Harry, not at him. She was happy because she was with Harry, not with him. Her smile was directed at Harry, not at him. His smile dropped.

He looked on longingly. Perrie scrunched up her face like a cute little bunny, while Harry kissed her forehead, the stupid smile never leaving his face. She slapped his chest playfully and he just laughed and untangled their hands, using that arm to wrap it around her waist, pulling her closer than she already was.

Zayn cleared his throat, then said in a very small voice, "Where are we going?"

Perrie turned to look at Zayn and was about to answer, but then she saw his face. Her goofy smile dropped and her heart swelled. Zayn looked terrible. He looked so upset, even though he tried to hide it and Perrie knew why.

"To meet Jesy," Perrie whispered back.

Zayn looked up and they caught eye contact for almost a second, until Harry distracted her, asking what was wrong, 'babe'. Zayn stepped forward.

"Could you back off, mate?" Zayn demanded.

"What?" Harry looked at Zayn in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Zayn looked at Harry and balled his fists, clenching and unclenching his jaw. Perrie looked at Zayn closely. Why did he have to look so hot when he was angry? She had to try and be in love with Harry, yet here Zayn was, seducing her without even realising it. She wanted to badly to just grab his face and kiss it hard, but she knew she couldn't.

"L-Let's go, yeah?" she said, hesitantly, resisting the urge to just kiss him anyway, "This is the hotel."

They walked into the hotel, and strolled to the elevator. Zayn still looked mad, making Perrie want to kiss him even more. She couldn't handle it.

"Could you cheer up?" Perrie snapped at Zayn.

Zayn looked at Perrie, hurt. Softer, she said, "That came out wrong..."

"You think?" Zayn shot back.

Perrie gulped, "Just, can you wait two more minutes? We'll explain everything. And Harry, you can stop holding me now!"

Harry quickly retrieved his arm, "Sorry."

Perrie sighed, frustratedly, putting her head in her hands.

The elevator dinged and Perrie told the boys Jesy and Jade's room number. They walked silently towards it, not really feeling like talking to each other.

Zayn felt heartbroken. Perrie felt confused. Harry - being Harry - had no idea what was going on and why everyone was so stiff.

They knocked on Jesy and Jade's hotel room door. Jesy answered almost immediately with a gigantic smile. She opened the door wider, ushering them in.

When they got inside, Perrie gasped. She saw Sam. Sure, that was okay. But, she also saw two others. This was not good. Not good at all.

What were David and Ethan doing there?

Aw, poor Zayn. All jealous and such. :(

What did you lot think of Perrie's internal battle? Why do think Ethan and David are there? What about Sam?

Okay, so, if I don't double update today, I love you and be safe! I'll see at the end of this month! (If you don't follow me, so you don't know, I'm going on holiday.)

Remember - twelve votes and three comments if you want a double update!

Jules xxx

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