Chapter 18

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"THESE ARE THE girls?" a voice from behind a big black swivel chair asked.

It sounded strangely familiar.

"Only half of them, sir," George replied.

"Bring them in," the man said, swirling around, "I'd like to have a chat with them."

Leigh-Anne and Jade gasped, for before them in the black swivel chair sat Dean Withers, Little Mix's former manager. Jade's jaw slackened and would hit the floor if it had the ability to. On the other hand, Leigh-Anne grew angry and started thrashing at George, but was easily stopped due to her weakness from the gun wound.

"D-Dean?" Jade weakly whispered.

"Oh, hello, girls!" Dean smiled wryly, "How nice of you to drop by! Why, it's been a long three or four days hasn't it?"

"Y-you set us up!" Leigh-Anne shrieked, baring her teeth and struggling in George's harsh grip, "That's why the van driver didn't reply. You planned this the whole time!"

"Oh, girls," Dean tusked, "You look tired. Why don't you take a seat?"

The two girls were forcefully thrust into the two high backed wooden chairs in front of them, the stuffy air choking them and light was straining from the small dingy window, which had a thin curtain draped across it.

"Tea?" Dean asked the girls.

Even though both of the girls' throats were dry and parched, they both shook their head once, signalling that no, they would not like a cup of tea.

Dean shrugged and poured a fair amount of dark watery liquid into his china tea cup. He added a splash of milk and cream, then put two spoonfuls of sugar into the the drink, causing the once dark brown liquid turn into a creamy brown. The girls knew very well that Dean's tea was absolutely delicious and that it was possibly the best they'd ever tasted, but for the sake of defiance, they knew they couldn't have any.

Stirring his newly brewed tea, he looked up knowing very well the girls wanted some. He smiled happily at them, before getting down to business.

"I've always loved power. That's why I chose the job of a manager. But, times got seemingly rough. I got fired, as you know and got replaced," he began, "I grew angry with the world. A human can't live without destruction can't they? It's part if their imperfect ways and no one except for God himself, if you believe in a higher life form, could stop that.

"We've always wanted what we couldn't have and in my case, it was power. Building this up wasn't easy. It cost time and money, but we eventually realised why it wasn't working."

"What are you talking about?" Leigh-Anne spat.

"Spies. Agent Craske. A spy. He works for J.A.M, or Joined Agents Management, a secret agency that stops establishments like ours from being successful.

"Why? Because we want the world. This establishment, my beautiful ex-coworkers, plans to kill the entire human race. With the help of you, boys and girls alike will be dead before they can tell the world is ending!

"It will be wonderful. If only certain people can have power, girls, then no one can."

"You're planning to kill people?" Jade shrieked, "You're planning the destroy the world's population?"

"That's the plan," Dean smirked, "We're taking the people with the most power first. Celebrities, politicians, entrepreneurs. Then, we'll go for the common people.

"It will be splendid and I will be ruling it."

"David? Ethan?" Perrie asked wide eyed.

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