Chapter 16
When I woke up I expected to be uncomfortable and in pain, mostly due to having to sleep on the couch. But that wasn't the case.
Instead I woke up cuddled up in a warm comfortable bed. It was dark so it didn't take anything else to figure out that it was already night time. When I opened my eyes I sat up and looked around after trying to rub the sleepiness out of my eyes. Thats when I felt something next to me move and I froze, snapping my head over to what ever it was. Through the darkness I could see the faint outline of Wesley. He had turned to face me. Form what I could see through the darkness it didn't look as if he had been sleeping.
There was a long silence between us. To me it felt awkward and it made me nervous. Finally, not being able to take just looking at each other I broke the silence.
“What time is it?” I said softly, avoiding Wes's eyes.
“Two in the morning.” Was his only reply. His voice was quiet and no longer held that scary hard tone from earlier. After that he didn't say anything else so I took it upon my self to speak again.
“Did you bring me here?” I said gesturing to his room.
“Yeah, you didn't look comfortable on the couch.”
“And you care because?” I heard myself say and mentally slapped myself. I sounded a lot ruder than I meant to.
Wesley sighed and sat up. “Listen. I didn't know what to think. I didn't know how to react when you told me what you did. So I walked away from it to take a breather. As of right now I still don't know if that had been the right decision but I don't think you can blame me for the way I handled things....” He trailed off. He looked at me as if he was struggling to come out with the right words to say.
I sighed as well and turned my body so I was fully facing him.
“I know. And I don't blame you at all for the way you reacted. It was a lot to take in especially after what had happened to your brother. I'm so sorry Wes.” I paused. “I should have known better anyways.” I whispered the last part.
“What do you mean?” Wes asked as I again refused to meet his eyes.
“Getting involved with you. Having hope that we would have worked out.”
“We still can.” Wesley said suddenly. My head snapped up and I stared at him in the eyes. They held no signs of deceit. And for a second I got the same feelings of hope and excitement the first day I decided to make an effort with Wesley and be happy. So when I realized those feelings were coming back I quickly hammered them down and shook my head.
“No, we can't.” I said.
“Wesley, the last time I thought we could work out your brother got seriously hurt. Who knows what's next.”
“So that's it?” He said. “You're just gonna give up like that?”
I sighed heavily before moving back to his side, resting my back against the head board. His eyes stayed on me the whole time.
“We already talked about this.” I said, my tone stating that this conversation was over. Wes of course, with his stubborn self ignored the obvious hint.
“This is what he wants, Kim. He wants you to think that he is invincible and that you have no other option than to do what he wants.” Suddenly his voice went a bit softer. “Look, I don't know your entire history with him...” I flinched but kept quiet “but I do know that I'm not letting you go back to him.” I felt his hand cup my cheek and his thumb ghost over my bruised cheek. But than his words sunk did he know that I was thinking about going back to him? I looked into his eyes finally and he saw the question in mine.
“I saw the smashed phone.” He answered removing his hand.
That's all I needed to know.
“Wes-” I started.
“You aren't going.” He cut me off. His tone was hard and sounded like he was leaving no room for debate. “Who knows what he'll do to you this time.” He was referring to my beaten face as an example.
“You saw the message. You know what he'll do.”
“Than we'll make it so that he can't hurt any of us in till we figure out a way to stop him.”
I stayed quiet.
“Kim just promise me something. Please.” He said and when I still kept quiet he continued.
“You won't go back to him. You won't meet up with him. You won't do anything that involves me losing you to him.” Wes's voice was even and strong.
“I can't...” I started. Damn it. He wasn't going to make this easy for me. “Why?” I heard myself suddenly ask. “Why do you want me when you know the baggage I come with?”
He stared at me for several seconds without saying a word. Right when I was about to let it go he spoke up.
“You know, that's what I kept thinking at the hospital today. Keaton was knocked out on sleeping pills so I had time to think. All I kept asking myself was what I was going to do next. I thought the answer was simple. Let you go to protect everyone else.” I heart sank but I ignored it.
“So why are we sitting here talking like this?” I asked my voice soft.
“Because that wasn't the end of my thoughts.” He answered before continuing. “When I thought that, that was my final decision I remembered the times we had together. They were short but they meant something to me. I remembered the way you looked at me. I remembered what it felt like to have you near me. Then I thought what it would be like to not have that anymore....and I couldn't. I didn't want to think about it let alone experience it. That's when I realized something.”
“...What?” I asked when he hesitated.
“I realized that...” he gulped. “that...I love you.” He rushed out the last few words but I heard them loud and clear.
My body tensed and my mind stopped working. I was at a loss for words and so I just stared at him. My eyes were wide and my mouth opened and closed as I searched for something to say. His eyes stayed on mine. The ideal thing to do was say I love you back but that would go against the whole 'we can't work out' thing.
I inwardly groaned.
“I'm not going to force you to say it back.” Wes said suddenly. “But that's something I need you to know. Just like I need you to promise me you won't go to him.” His eyes were hopeful as he looked up at me.
I sighed deeply before placing a hand on his cheek like he did to me earlier.
“I promise.” I whispered.
I saw a ghost of a smile appear on his lips. For a second I even thought he was going to lean in for a kiss but I was relieved when he didn't. Instead I pulled away from him and laid back down on the bed. He did the same and I allowed him to wrap his arms around my waist and pull me closer to him. With the blanket wrapped around us we sat in silence. With my head on his chest I could hear his hear beat. I could feel the rise and fall of his chest. Soon it began to slow down and that told me that he was asleep. I on the other hand was wide awake. The guilt I was feeling was overpowering the need to sleep. The guilt of everything that has happened so far. Tori's apartment, Keaton's accident, Wesley's stress. But most importantly the biggest guilt I felt at the moment was the promise I had just made to Wesley.
The promise that I knew I was going to break even as I made it.
Sorry for the monthly long wait for an update. I am trying to figure out how to end this exactly since I completely forgot what I had planned for this story. I keep going through 'i'm done with this story' to the 'I CAN'T BE DONE.' I don't know guys. I'm sorry. The only thing that is keeping me going is the encouraging comments to finish.

Just Unexpected (Emblem3 Fan-fic)
FanfictionKimberly never exactly wanted to go to her sister's wedding. In fact, she wanted nothing to do with it but she is forced to go. On the plane to California for the big event she meets Wesley, not knowing he is from a band called Emblem3. Feelings sta...