Chapter 18

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 Chapter 18

It was seven O'clock by the time we (Wesley, Tori, Drew and I) all got home. We had decided that after the movie we would all go down to the beach area and just relax and enjoy each others company. Personally, it was the perfect way to spend the day with them. The only person who had been missing was Keaton. Unfortunately, nothing could have been done about that since visiting hours had ended early that day around six O'clock.

Anyways, we had stopped by a few stores and looked around for anything interesting. Tori was the one who bought the most things. The boys bought a few things here and there but I was the only one who hadn't gotten anything. Well, I had bought a small bag of chips but that doesn't count.

Overall the day had been good. Wesley hardly left my side and when he did it wasn't for very long. He wasn't being clingy though. That, I was thankful for.

Now, after everyone had freshened up, Wesley and I were laying on top of his bed while Tori and Drew were off in the house somewhere. Somehow, during the tv show that was currently on his tv, my head had ended up resting on his chest with my leg over one of his. His arm was around my waist and his hand was resting on my hip.

I couldn't have been anymore comfortable at the moment.

In the back of my mind I knew that I was being bi-polar with him. One second I was refusing to let him be close and kiss me and the next I was cuddling up with him. Mentally I sighed.

Oh screw it.

My mind was already made up, I was going to Collin tonight to protect everyone else. I had decided that today was going to be a day that I was going to enjoy. The only way to fully enjoy it would be to let Wesley in; to stop pushing him away. It might hurt in the long run but at least I would be able to experience a small shred of happiness with him.

With that thought in mind I unconsciously cuddled closer to him. I felt him shift slightly embracing me more.

After several seconds his voice filled the silence.

“What are you thinking about?”

It took me a moment to think of an answer. “Us.”

“And what about us?” He asked again. But I didn't answer right away, instead I closed my eyes and tried my best to burn the feeling in my mind of how comfortable I felt with Wesley against me. When I thought that I had done it I moved without thinking. I broke apart from him and swung my leg over him so that I was on top of him with both of my knees besides his hips.

He looked surprised but he didn't protest.

I placed both of my hands on either side of his head so that I could support my weight as I leaned over him.

His eyes stared into mine as we both just looked at each other, him waiting for my next move. His eyes flickered to my lips before looking back into my eyes.


He was feeling it too.

Suddenly my heart began to hammer in my chest.

“You said you loved me.” I started. “Did you mean it?”

For a second he was quiet and so I thought he wasn't going to answer me. My heat sank and for a second I thought I forgot how to breathe. Was this a mistake? Should I even being doing this?

Just as I was about to push away and get off of him his hand gently went to the back of my head to keep me in place while he lifted his head to place his lips on mine. He didn't move at first, just let our lips touch before he slowly began to move his against mine, prompting me to do the same. It wasn't at all rushed. Slow and passionate.

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