Chapter 1

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Well, hello wonderful readers, this is my first fanfic story, so please review with your thoughts and interests.

I have an awesome Beta to thank for fixing this chapter up. Sheikah lover.

I do not own Twilight, Stephanie Meyer does.

Bella POV

Well, here I go off to high school. I, Isabella Marie Volturi, a three-thousand year old vampire, who is the blood daughter to Marcus Volturi, is forced to go to a pathetic human high school. I hate it. I know it was my mission that was now forcing me to be so exposed, but seriously, I detest the idea wholeheartedly. I scowled in anger at the memory.


"Isabella! Report to my office in five minutes!" uncle Aro yelled from the other side of the castle.

I groaned as my best friend Felix landed a punch in the side of my neck.

"Ah, common Bells, so easily distracted even after 2998 years," Felix said with his booming voice.

I chuckled and shook my head at his comment.

"Gotta go, you big oaf. See ya later." I chirped before running to my room, which is located in my father and mother's wing.

I walked into my room which was decorated in only the colors of my choice: forest green and blood red with light touches of gold. Slips of gold were also the colors on my curtains, and my walls painted blood red and my closet was multiple shades of green. I had a desk in the corner of my rather large room with a chair to match its brown texture. There was a bed – which was of no use to me – but it was there for when I felt like acting human. I also had a large bookcase filled with books that I acutely could enjoy reading, such as Pride and Prejudice, Romeo and Juliet,and so forth. I also had a stripped red and gold couch near the door that led to the bathroom, which was more of a swimming pool than a bathroom in both size and appliances. Now, we can't forget about the most important piece of my room: my closest. Just beyond my bathroom, leads to a set of double doors that head straight to my walk-in closet.

I opened the doors to my version of heaven, and I saw my clothes hung in color, size and use, all perfectly pressed and ironed, while my shoe rack took up two entire walls and were filled with shoes from both past and present. To be exact, I had exactly 422 outfits and 150 pairs of shoes... And I still wanted more.

I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans from their hanger that were specifically designed to be ripped at the knee. I also slipped on my form fitting black tank top, and my favorite combat boots. Quickly dressing and doing my makeup, which consisted of black eyeliner, mascara and bright red lipstick, I was ready to go see uncle Aro. But before leaving, I felt a surge of sadness rush through me. I had packed my closet so that I only took up half the closet space, but that alone wasn't what bothered me.

You see, since my blood mother died my father was in constant grief. He felt like he couldn't live without her, until] he found his true mate. When he died 1003 years ago, I had high hopes that I would find my mate, but to no avail I never met mine. Almost everyone else in Volterra had found mates, except for Demitri, Heidi, James and I. Although for some reason James has a sick obsession with me. It grosses me out and I had often dismembered him for attempting to force himself on me. I shivered in disgust at the thought. With a final look at the empty space just waiting to be filled, I closed the doors before taking off to uncle Aro's office.

I ran through the halls at vampire speed not wanting Aro to be angered by my lateness. When I reached his door I knocked respectfully.

"Come in, Isabella," came Aro's impatient voice from the other side of the door. I opened the door to look at an angry looking Volturi king. He was wearing a black suit and blue tie with his long raven colored hair held back. His face was scrunched in anger as he stood away from his desk, that was such a beautiful shade of silver. The room had recently been redecorated by Heidi, so now the walls were a shade of silver and Aro's walls also shelved so many books, it seriously looked as if he had not used most of them in decades.

"Isabella," he then sighed, catching my attention. "I am sorry to do this to you, but you are to go on a mission to a little town called Forks, which is situated in the state of Washington. I want you to gather information on an old friend of mine called Carlisle Cullen. His coven has exposed our kind to a human man, and taken a human child into their care without thinking of the danger it could posses." He scowled. I nodded in agreement. This sort of behavior was unacceptable; even for an old friend of uncle Aro.

"A vampire child could risk bigger exposure. It is a risk we cannot ignore. I am sending Demitri and James with you." He went on to add. "The jet you are to take to Forks is fueled and ready. You are to leave immediately." He ordered with his usual tone of authority.

I snarled softly when he mentioned James.

"Isabella!" His voice rose. "I care not for your ridiculous hatred for James. He has behaved himself well enough for some time. He and Demitri are the only ones who are not busy with a mission or their mates." He shouted with annoyance. James was one of his favorites when it came to the guard staff. He was the best tracker that Aro had ever met. Besides James, Demitri was the best mind controller, and Jane could make anyone writhe in pain by just her glare alone. Alec, Jane's twin brother, could tack away your senses, while Chelsea could manipulate bonds. On the other hand, Laurent could levitate objects, and Uncle Caius was a shape-shiftier. Aro could see every thought you had by a simple touch. My father could read bonds between people, and future bonds that would be made. Lastly, I controlled the elements... not all, but two: fire and earth.

I was effectively brought out of my thoughts by Aro dismissing me from his office. I turned to leave when I heard him call out, "And please, try not to dismember James until you return, my dear."

I laughed softly as I raced back to my room to pack.
End of flashback

And that, my friends, is how I ended up leaving Volterra with only half my closet, and annoying brown contacts shoved in my eyes. Oh yeah, I also had a disgusting school bag on my back.

Uhh. I could smell humans everywhere besides the Cullens. The Cullens better not piss me off, or they would have hell to pay. I was thirsty already from being in the damn parking lot. This would be a long day.

With that last thought, I headed to my first day of school. But little did I know, that I was heading straight towards my mate as well.

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