Chapter 15 the end

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Hi. I have had a difficult time and ask you for patience in my dreary case.

I do not own Twilight.

(lemon warning)

B pov

I ran and ran till I came to a meadow and found a peacefulness overcome me. I frowned at this. I had been hurting like hell and here I was feeling peaceful. Something was utterly wrong. Then it hit me. I placed a hand on my belly and a smile lit my face. It was said by all those who had children, that you were supposed to feel peaceful when a child finally began to grow. I felt tears on my cheeks. I was pregnant with a child. I feel to my knees and sobbed. I was giving myself over to a man who could destroy my child and kill me. I held my stomach protectively at the very thought. "Jasper I wish you and I were together right now" I sobbed listlessly.

As I said that, I heard that sexy southern accent say "Then why the hell did you leave me? I gasped and turned to see Jasper looking at me while leaning against a tree with a bewildered look. I jumped up and realised that Jasper probably followed me but for two days? I had been running for two days in circles looking for James. "What are you doing here? I hissed angrily. I ran to him and slammed him against that very same tree, he had been leaning against. I growled angrily at his stupidity. " Bella!" I heard Jacobs voice. I turned to face Esme and Jacob along with the rest of the Cullen clan and Demetri. Oh and felix. I gripped Jaspers shirt tightly trying to see if it were a dream. "We saved them after you left and James is dead" Jasper said while holding me to his chest. "We are safe. We can live" Jasper whispered. I grinned and unshed tears of joy seemed to shed.

"One thing Jasper. I Am pregnant" I murmured softly. Pecking his lips softly. He froze then had the biggest smile I had ever seen. "We are parents? He asked me with his voice thick with love. I nodded and hugged him. "OH baby this is wonderful. But how? Esme asked. "I'll tell you later Esme. Right now I am in need of my mate" I spoke seductively while staring intently at my mate.

Jasper growled and turned me to thrust me into the tree. "Mine" He growled. Then captured my lips into a searing kiss.

Jasper pov

Two days earlier.

Bella left. I crumpled to my knees as the words washed over me. My mate had sacrificed herself for a man who deserves death. I was now ready for death. What did I have to live for?

We get her back. you bastard stand up and fight kill James get mate. My beast screamed rattling in his cage. Before I could stop it, The major took hold.

The Major pov

I was released and ready to battle. I turned to find the whole Cullen clan and my mates friends all lined up and ready to fight with me. The Cullen's fought for Esme and Bella, While Felix and Demitri fought for Bella alone. "What's the plan boss? Felix asked. "We kill this fucker James, save Esme and the wolf then Go find Bella" I snapped and we were off. My feet fighting to create more speed while my anger boiled. I released the emotion over everyone enjoying their growls. I followed his scent and came to an abandoned shed in the treaty borderline. We came like a hurricane and killed every vampire in sight. I found only 5 vampire present. I then saw James staring at a picture of my mate. I ran towards him and ripped his head off. I screamed in pleasure of finally killing the retched piece of shit. It was over as simple as that. I pulled out my lighter that I had gotten from my venom brother, Peter. I lit the fucker on fire. A fire that caused such a beautiful sight.

now to find my mate

Hi. So this is the last chapter. If you want a sequel let me know!! I had a lot of fun writing this with my Beta Sheikah lover !! Thank you to her !!

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