Chapter 3

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Thanks to my beta SheikahLover for editing the chapter.

I do not own Twilight, Stephenie Meyer does.

Bella's P.O.V

I looked at the beautiful creature that stood before me. His golden eyes sparkled with happiness. I smiled at him allowing him to take my hand in his. The human boy got up and looked angry as the kids around us laughed at him. He was obviously embarrassed, and it was evident enough by his newly acquired tomato red cheeks.

His hands slowly clenched into fists. "Oh, you're gonna pay for that, you bitch." He snarled at me before raising his fist ready to punch.

As I got into my fighting stance, ready to dodge his punch, my mate threw a punch at the boy. I had not even noticed he had released my hand. The boy went flying as I could feel the anger radiating from my mate.

My eyes widened. My mate was beyond sexy when provoked.

I looked in awe at him. He was a trained fighter, sexy and possessive. Shit, I got lucky. I didn't know his name, but I made it my top priority to learn all I could about this god. He turned to face me and extended his hand.

"Jasper Whitlock Cullen, at your service, ma'am." He drawled with his southern accent that almost had me drooling on the spot.

"Isabella Volturi. But call me Bella for short," I said slowly.

I ran his name through my mind wandering why it sounded so familiar. He was looking at me in shock.

"Volturi... you're part of the Volturi?" He questioned, speaking in a tone that was too low and fast for the humans to hear.

I nodded gleefully. I loved my power that came with being a Volturi member and bloodline to a king. I was just that awesome.

Jasper's P.O.V

Volturi. She is a guard member of the Volturi, I thought to myself.

She was beyond beautiful. Her long chocolate brown hair had blue and red highlights in them. Her full red lips looked so kissable. But her eyes were green. Contacts I would assume. Her body had curves in all the right places. She was a fighter it would seem.

She was beyond perfect for me.

All ours, my beast purred.

I used my gift to see what she felt as she looked at me. I am an empath, after all. She felt awe, happiness and a hint of lust. Interesting. I stared at her a little longer when a loud hair-raising scream rang through the halls. Isabella flinched in pain. I grimaced as we heard the scream ten times louder due to our superb hearing.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?" came the scream from a short lady as she stalked down the hall towards us. She had black hair that was streaked with light grey strands. Her brown eyes showed rage. She must have been at least fifty years old. She wore a red business suit. The authority in her presence alone allowed me to believe she was the leader of this school—the principal as they're called, I believe.

Regardless, I grabbed my mate's hand and ran at human pace out of the school; my mate gave no protest and followed rather willingly. The woman called us back shouting threats of suspension and phone calls to our parents if we didn't stop and return immediately. I smirked slyly, I didn't give a shit.

When we reached the parking lot, I decided to drag her to the forest so that we could have some time alone together. I couldn't stop the smirk that stained my face as my mate gripped my hand tighter.

We arrived at the edge before blurring off deeper into the woods.

#An hour later#

Finally Isabella and I came to a halt. I took an unneeded breath in when she reached up to loosen her hair. During the process, a small slit of her flat stomach showed. She looked even more breathtaking with her hair loosely cascading down her back. She noticed me staring and a mischievous smile graced her lips.

"What's wrong?" She asked. Her voice sounded sweeter than anything I had ever heard before. Her scent smelled of vanilla and raspberry.

"Who are you?" I asked her. The need to know whether she was a worthy mate came into play. I was a jerk for asking it, but I will not survive with her as a mate if she is addicted to shopping, chick flicks and pink ruffles, like Alice and Rosalie – and to my immediate horror, sometimes Esme.

Her face became neutral as she spoke. "I am Isabella Marie Volturi, blood daughter to Marcus Volturi. I am 2,998 years old. I am gifted, and a member of the Volturi Guard. And you are?" She asked in return.

My whole body went rigid. She is the blood daughter to one of the most feared and powerful kings of the vampire world? Shit, I have one hell of a mate.

My turn to introduce myself, I guess. "I am Jasper Whitlock, the God of war. I am 1002 years old, and am quite gifted as well." I felt quit smug at her reaction. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open and her body tensed.

We stood there looking at each other for a while. She slowly regained her balance. Her emotions were all over the place. Shock, Awe, trust, horror, curiosity and lust I could pick out as the strongest.

"Wh-what is y-your gift?" She stuttered out.

"I am an empath. I can feel emotions and control them." I answered in amusement. "And what is your gift, Isabella?" I asked while trying to keep my amusement in hopes to not offend her.

She shook her head as if to clear it before lifting her hands. "Watch," was all she said before a fire ball hovered just above her palm. I opened my mouth to say something but she shook her head at me causing me to snap my mouth closed. She concentrated on a tree not too far from us and shot the fireball at the tree. The tree burst into flames. She lifted her hand as if to say stop and the tree was once again flameless. Not a burn could be seen.

Again I attempted to comment. "What—" I began but was cut off by her shushing me.

I then watched as she kneeled on the forest floor. Her hand hovered above the ground. A large vine started to grow. When it was at least a foot tall she used it to lift a tree out of the ground. She once again made a stop sign and all of it disappeared.

"Now you may speak," she said smugly.

I was speechless. This small yet powerful creature had rendered me astounded. I have finally found my other half, and I already couldn't wait to know more about her.

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