Chapter 9

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Warner: There is a bit of lime but not the whole chapter. I just thought you should know.

B pov.

I had run in hopes that my time alone would help. But speaking with Demitri had helped too. Maybe he was right. I sighed in confusion. I still sat at the tree, That Demitri had stopped me at. He had left a few moments ago. I listened around me, to the birds and wind, as nature always calmed me. I closed my eyes, Hoping for the one thing I would never get. Peace.

In an instant I was being held by my throat against the tree. My eyes flew open to a angry looking Jasper. 'How far has he gotten? He growled. I whimpered, when his hold tightened on my throat. 'Stop please' I begged him. He let go and for a moment looked guilty before masking his face so that he looked calm. 'He has gotten close enough to have seen almost all of me' I whispered that part in hopes to hold the sob that threatened to be released. He growled again and punched a tree with enough force that its old roots groaned and the tree fell to the floor with a loud thump.

'How long ? He asked softly as if dreading my answer. '20 years' my sob was released at the words. Jasper walked to me and wrapped his arms around me. I clung to him like he was my life line. I finally calmed down. I pulled away and refused to meet his eyes. I was strong, a fighter, brave and a warrior. But I was still a women. My eyes stayed glued to my feet, till I felt a gentle finger lift my face. Forcing my eyes to meet his.

His eyes held nothing but Love and Pride. But my gasp came from the intense look of love that coloured his eyes. I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I reached up and softly kissed his lips. His lips felt softer than anything I had every felt. He tasted so sweet. I started to pull away when a growl left his lips. His hand tangled in my hair holding me in place and deepening the kiss. I felt a fiery passion run through the kiss. I felt all my and his wall collapse, leaving us vulnerable. It felt strong, deep and right so right. I moulded in to his body perfectly. The kiss was both lustful and loving. I felt my back hit the tree behind me. I moaned as he grounded into me. He held my hands in his atop my body. I was kept in place to feel his love. I pushed my love and trust to him. I could not remember, how but my already ripped shirt disappeared. I felt his hand on my naked back. Apparently my bra had disappeared too. I felt his hands rub my breasts leaving me gasping for breath at the pleasure. I wanted this as much as he did but I wanted our first time in a bed and in private perhaps. He was sucking on my neck vigorously. I was about to stop him when he bit me. I groaned in pain and pleasure.

'Stop please' I begged breathlessly. He pulled back in confusion and looked a little hurt. I would fix that quickly I thought to myself with a chuckle.

J pov.

'Stop please' She had just begged. The thought of her rejection, after I had just bitten her, hurt like a bitch. She chuckled a breathless chuckle before kissing my lips gently and looking at me. A smile graced her beautiful face.

When I had seen and felt her pain, that James had caused her, I was both Proud and angry. Proud that she was so strong and angry that the valtouri Had done nothing to help her. She was a princess was she not. Then She had kissed me her mouth was so tasteful. I was hard just thinking of her lips again. 'We need to talk and perhaps do this in a place with a roof and bed' She giggled at me. I shook my head trying to keep my raging animal at the moment. CLAIM HER. CLAIM HER. TAKE HER! He demanded of me. Yes I had bitten her but It was supposed to be done after the act of sexual intercourse, had been completed. Why I had no idea. I shook my head to clear my thoughts. She was standing in front of me half naked. I needed to focus. I took my shirt off and handed it to her.

She was in shock as she looked at my chest. She was seeing the bite marks no doubt. Most just turned away in fear or screamed and ran but not my mate no she bent down and kissed each scare. I had turned to his them when she turned me, to face her and ran her fingers down my chest. Then kissed each one. I looked at her and felt nothing but love and happiness from her. I had truly found my mate. She was perfect.

When she stopped she gave me a thoughtful smile. I sat down on the ground and she sat facing me directly. I looked at her trying to shake my haze off. 'What are you doing here? I asked no point and beatin round the bush. She sighed and answered almost carefully. 'The Cullen's are harbouring a human. This is against our laws'. Well at least she speaking the truth. 'So ya what watchin em or gonna kill the girl' My southern accent leaked into my speach. Esme hated it because she had been hurt by a southern man when she was a young girl. The thought of a man hurtin Esme caused an involentery growl to be released from my chest. 'Esme had gotten him' I repeated to myself. For some reason i was in my own world, When I heard Isabella suck in a breath. 'What ? I asked curious to know what had caused that. 'Nothing just my human mother had the name Esme. You know she used to love cooking. And say Use your life right and good will come' She said a tamed smile tainted her lips. I replayed her words in my head. That sounded a lot like Esme Cullen. I frowned. When I heard a shocked gasp from behind me. Shit speak of the devil. There stood Esme with a shocked expression. She had long back hair wavy like Isabella's and her features were as similar. 'Mom ?

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