Chapter 14

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By the way I will explain the sleep thing and note this is a sad chapter a more sad one.

Stephanie Meyer owns twilight.

B pov

I awoke from my sleep to see My mate looking shocked across from the bed on a chair. I looked around and found the room to be bland brown colour and only a chair and bed with itchy sheets, comforted the horrid room. "You slept. How is it you sleep? Jasper asked me. I realised I had left out a sort of miner or huge part of my story out. I grimaced as I thought of what he would say. "Jasper... I ... I am sort of... only half vampire" I choked out. His eyes bulged for a moment then He started pacing. walking a hole in the mate. He was dressed from the waist down, but i was dressed in his shirt. "Half vampire how is that possible? no it's not possible. Is it? he muttered to himself. I groaned hating it when they started speaking like I didn't exist. "Jasper my father Is connected to a vampire known as Renesmee. She was the first ever half vampire to exist. Born through human mother and vampire father. Marcus was her son and I am his daughter. Marcus became a full vampire after he reproduced an heir. I am half by choice. But when I was born my vampire side was dormant. Until Phillip near killed me. It awakened my vampire. I am Half vampire till I reproduce and so on and so forth. Many think it a curse. I have not reproduced yet so I am only half. That is how James paralysed me. My skin can be broken and I didn't tell anyone but I could have sworn I felt a needle" I explained not meeting his eyes.

"so you can have a child? Jasper asked calmly. Honestly I kind of wandered if that was the question with a goodness in it or badness. "Only with my mate or second mate" I answered. I expected yelling or door slams but instead I was scooped into a hug. "You and I could have a child. I have always wanted a child. This is wonderful news" He whispered. I felt venom tears run down my face. My mate truly was perfect. I had wanted a child but only when the time was right of course. I could imagine a beautiful baby girl with my eyes and his curly golden hair. A smile covered my face. I wrapped my arm around him sending him love and respect. But what was to come may forbid this happiness my beast roared.

Then there was a knock at the door, pulling me from my dark thoughts. I frowned and pulled away from his embrace and stood. I walked to the door slowly, smelling venom. I hissed and opened the door. A blind rage overtook then horror. I hadn't even realised I had screamed till Jasper was covering my mouth with his hand. "SSSHHHH. Bella be calm" Jasper ordered then I felt a wave of calm settle over me. I stared as there on the floor was Felix. His dismembered head lay on his chest. Venom oozed out and soaked his cloak and black suit. "No. Not Felix" I yelled into his hand. Jasper sat me down on the bed and pulled the body into the motel room. I staggered to his body. A note Lay in his clenched fist. When a cold one died their body till burnt stayed in the exact form. The note read:

This is only the beginning love.

James xoxox

Anger swept through me. I looked at the vampire that had been my friend and partner for many many years. Jasper was thinking hard. I just stared hopelessly at his body. Felix was good and strong. He was the only thing I knew to close friendship. "Felix why you? I gasped as a sob erupted from my shaking form. Jasper sat Felix's body in a sitting position against the wall. Then He took his head and replaced it in its place, While spreading venom around the cracks. "Get dressed love. Don't want him seeing your goods now do you? Jasper whispered. I frowned but complied to his request. I took my cloths and got dressed in second. I gave Jasper his shirt while watching in fascination. Felix seemed to be fixing himself and coming back to his living dead self.

I grinned like a mad woman as Felix finally spoke. "Damn feel like a god damn sinner in church" He huffed. I giggled and threw my arms around him. He was shocked then laughed and hugged me back. I heard Jaspers possessive growl in the background and instantly pulled away. "Felix you big Lug. What the hell happened? I asked getting serious instantly. He shook his head. "James has lost his mind. He kept saying you'll come to him now. Then he broke my head off before I could react" Felix said sadly. I patted his shoulder. I jumped up and grabbed Jasper into a hug. Holding him while silently thanking him like mad.

I smiled to myself as Jasper purred.

Maria pov

I would soon have my Major back. He was my toy. My play thing. My solider. I would have him at any cost. That included sending a video of Peter Whitlock and his mate Charlotte get tortured without mercy. He would have to give himself to me to save them. James had a new card to play as well it would seem but so did I. Well I had two. A sadistic giggle left my mouth as my newborns brought in the two needed to play the stars in the video. Yes I would have my Jasper.

B pov

I was so happy until Felix pulled a DVD out of his cloak. Addressed to me. I slowly put it into the DVD player at Esme's house. We had gone there after calling Demetri who had been worried and left alone for far to long. Emmet and Alice were upstairs busy and Rosalie was attached at the hip to Edward who was watching me me curiously. I sat on the white couch. The screen turned red with a picture of James and I holding hands on it. I gagged, holding my mouth. Then it went black and a scream was heard. I frowned that scream sounded familiar. Like the voice. I then gasped as Esme was strapped to a table being tortured and dismembered. I screamed in horror. Then it turned and a face I had long forgotten appeared. Jacob. He was a shape shifter and a man I had had some sort of relationship with. He had been my first. I felt venom tears prickle my eyes as they drove a knife through his shoulder twisting it slowly. I screamed again and the TV was switched off. "No" I screamed. Had I not been through enough. I had thought Esme to have been shopping or something. This was my fault.

I stood and started towards the door. The rain poured heavily. "Bella. Bella what are you doing? Jasper called when I was halfway across the drive way to the woods. I was sobbing harder buy the minute. "I am going to give myself up for them. It's not their fault. Esme, Jacob. I won't have them getting hurt for me" I screamed. Jasper caught my arm and whirled me around o face him. "So that's it your giving up. After we just found each other your going to give up" He yelled pain held his voice hostage. I looked around and found my half dead heart break. "Yes. I no choice. If it were someone you cared for, You would do the same" I screamed back. I was soaked to the bone and in utter pain. "You don't love me then" Jasper yelled back. I felt his words hit me like a hurricane. I pulled him near and gripped his head before kissing him with all the love, passion, anger and strength. It melted us together as one. I would die a thousand times for him. I held him close. A part of me knew this could be the last time I ever do this again. The other part helped me become numb. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his. "I won't hurt you" I said softly before running at full speed to my hell. But knowing Jasper would live held me like a drowning man to a life preserver.

Jasper pov

Bella left. I crumpled to my knees as the words washed over me. My mate had sacrificed herself for a man who deserves death. I was now ready for death. What did I have to live for?

James pov

She is coming to me. I can hear and feel her close yes I had her now. My mate would soon be mine, I thought excitedly until I felt two hands grab hold of either side of my head and pull...

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