Chapter ten

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HI. HERE IS THE NEXT CHAPTER. My amazing beta has made it so much better.

There is a lemon towards the end. please comment I need to know your thoughts and feelings.

B pov

'Mom. Mom is that you? I asked the woman behind Jasper. She was beautiful in every way and looked just like the woman I remembered. My whole being shook with anger and confusion. No. My mother was dead. I had mourned her death. I had cried over her. No. She was dead. 'Isabella? Her voice sounded the same, yet broken. I stood up and looked at her, unable to trust myself. 'YOU LEFT ME' I screamed at her. I started to run at her when Jasper wrapped his arms around me holding me back. 'You left me' I wailed out in pain I still remembered her departure and death all to well.

I looked at her tear streaked face and knew I needed to go. If I stayed I would kill her. I would hurt her. My mother had left me in that house with that drunk bastered. Jasper picked me up bridal style and said to my mother 'Don't follow. She needs time. Go home'. I cried harder into my mates shirt. Pain. Pain. I felt pain.

Jasper had been running for hours. I had become numb in his arms. The pain was to much. I was so ... dead, that I had not realised he had put me down in what looked like a shack. That's when the memory hit me.


I had just turned 18 and had not yet been married off. My mother was my best friend and my heart. We had just gotten home after meeting up with Renee and Charles Dwyer. My mother had loved a man called Marcus and was supposedly his soul mate. They had slept together many times and conceived me. But Marcus had left and had not informed mother when he would return.

Charles had helped my mother recover from his sudden departure. They were close. After a while she married a man called Phillip Robertson. He was good and sweet at first, then he began to beat us. I often would see the town doctor for my cuts and bruises.

On the night of my birthday he had beaten me so badly, I had blacked out. When I awoke, I found a letter from my mother. It read:

My sweet Isabella

I am sorry to say but I have left.

I have done this because I cannot stay any longer.

I love you my daughter.


My heart broke as I read it. Anger drove me as I tore a doll she had made me when I was younger. She had left me. She left me with... him. Why. would she do as such?

The next few months consisted of beatings before Marcus saved me. he had been searching for my mother and said she had died. She was dead. I had mourned for years and years.
End of flashback

She had left me to a man till he nearly killed me. Why?

I didn't realise I was sobbing till Jasper had me close to him holding me tightly. I gripped him close, as I let years of pain seep into my tears.

I took a while but finally I stopped. Jasper pulled back to face me. A soft smile graced his lips. I got up of the Brown couch that stood in the left hand corner of a large room. A was held in the right had corner. A kitchen was connected to a pearl covered bathroom. The house was empty besides the bed, couch and fridge. A duffle bag was on the bed. 'What is this place? I asked Jasper in confusion.

He stood and faced me. 'I built this place but only for as long as I had to be here. I came here for you' He replied to me in a firm tone. I looked at him and felt my lust spike. His chest was chiselled and strong. I walked to him and ran my finger down his chest. His jeans hung low on his hips. I lifted myself so that I could kiss him. He didn't resist for a moment before he stopped me. 'Are you sure' He asked worry colouring his words. 'Please make me forget' I begged. He swooped down instantly and kissed me with a fiery passion. I felt my back hit a wall and gasped in surprise, he used this moment to plunge his tongue in my mouth. I moaned in pleasure when his hand rubbed my breasts. He pinched and played with my nipples, through the material. I arched my back into him. I heard ripping of material and felt my body rub against his naked one. He hissed in pleasure as I scrapped my nails against his dick. I felt his hand on my clit pinching and rubbing it. I was on cloud 9. I mad love to him 3 times that night her marked and claimed me each time. I did not see the two pairs of crimson eyes that watched the house in anger.

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