Chapter six

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I do not own Twilight Miss Meyer does.

J pov.

I had my mate in the car and loved how she enjoyed the song. I listened intently ,wanting to hear the Lyrics, while watching the road my hand held hers in contentedness. I was in awe of how real the song sounded to my life how it had summed up a large amount of my life before Bella. That would surely change now wouldn't it? She would help me finally live properly right ?

I was snapped out of my thoughts by her singing. She sang with a strong voice and a beautiful one at that. I looked around and noticed we were in Port Angeles. I sighed confused at how the time had flown. The song ended and I realised Bella and I needed to talk to see what was to happen and I had some questions that needed serious answering. I pulled up at a bar called Hot Stuff. I needed Blood before this conversation to calm my nerves. I needed animal as I did not yet know how long I was with the Cullen's for. Once again a frown was placed upon my face. I was nervous for a conversation with my mate who would submit. I was God of War no way in hell was I nervous. Yet I still could feel it eating at me. I used my gift to see what she felt. She was nervous, scared and worried with a hint of happiness. I got out the car and walked around to her door to find her fidgeting while waiting patiently for me.

'Are you commin Isabella' I practically purred her name. A smirk grew as I saw her knees practically weaken at my comment. She nodded and embarrassment was flowing from her in strong waves. I was angered at her embarrassment. In an instant I had her held up against the side of the car. 'You will not be embarrassed at how your body reacts to me. I and only I can do such things to you after all I am your mate' I whispered. My lips so close to hers. Her eyes blackened with lust as she tilted her head as a sign of submission when I finished. I gripped her face and pulled her face so she had her head levelled with mine. I kissed the side of her face just below her ear. She shivered in anticipation. I grinned before forcing myself to pull away from her. 'Come you must feed and speak as we have much to speak about. Come mate' I drawled out in a strained voice at her lustful hazed trance. I looked to a prostitute. I pointed to her and said 'There. I have to hunt animals as an agreement to the Cullen's. I will meet you at the car once I am done'. With that I took off.

B pov.

He left but my mind didn't seem to register that fact quiet yet. Until I saw a man grab the girl, that I intended on feeding upon, get pushed into the ally way. She was trembling in fear as the man whispered all the vile thing he would do. I grimaced before going up to the man and for a few petty moments I, acted like a human. I punched the man and Spoke to the girl hurriedly. 'Go quickly' I shouted with a fake scared voice. She rushed off. I picked up the man who was slowly getting to his feet. I drained him in a matter of second enjoying every drop.

Once I was done I raced to the car to wait when Someone I hated very much appeared in front of me with angry eyes and a mischievous smirk. I gasped as a hard cold hand collided with the side of my face. He hit again and again still i was a crumpled pile on the floor. Vampire still could get hurt by one of their own kind. 'Please stop...'I beeged looking into the face of...

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