Chapter two

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Hello. here is the next one.

Thanks to my beta SheikahLover for editing the chapter.

I do not own Twilight, Stephenie Meyer does.

Jasper's P.O.V

I lay on my back staring at the night sky that was turning pink as dawn arrived. I had little to do with all the time I had since I lacked a mate. I was also driven out of the house by all of the noise my coven and their mates were making. This only made me long for my mate even more.

I know that my ideal mate would have to be strong; she would need to be a fighter. She needs to be someone that doesn't take shit from others. But I wanted to see her emotional side as well.

Damn it all.

I, Major Jasper Whitlock Cullen, needed a mate.

I've been alone for way too long.

At first when Peter and I escaped Maria's army, we were happy as neither of us possessed mates, and were happy enough because we were finally free. But then Charlotte Lango came along and changed everything. Peter, no longer alone, moved on with his mate, leaving me to rot in this existence alone.

I growled in frustration.

I do not feel lonely. I did not need love. I just needed a partner.

I got up and raced toward a herd of deer running in the distance. I couldn't wait until I could start drinking human blood again. The only reason I stayed with the Cullen Coven was because that pixie-like fairy named Alice told me that if I stayed with them I would find her, my mate.

I reached the herd and grabbed the largest one I could find since I would be playing the role of "human high school student" in just a few hours. I hated acting like something I wasn't, but I had to play my part and wait until she came.

We need her. Her mind, body and love, my beast grumbled.

I shook my head before running to my temporary home. I came to the door of a secluded mansion in the middle of the woods. The door was brown and had beautiful carvings on it and a golden knob to match. I pushed it open and walked into the living room. The house had been redone to match Alice and Rosalie's standards of living. The walls were painted a light cream and the furniture was basically the same colour but in different shades. Really, the only thing that was a different colour was the 12" flat screen television.

Bored, I looked at the winding staircase that led to the second and third floor. Above, the house had seven bedrooms each with its own bathroom.

I walked at human pace to my room on the second floor. I passed the first door which Alice and Emmet owned. As I thought of Emmet, I chuckled. He was giant – scary when mad – grinning oaf. I remembered Rosalie once compared him to a half-baked cookie; hard on top but mushy on the inside.

I walked to my door which was after their room and a spare room. I opened the door and slipped inside. I had moved in less than a week ago. I brought a duffle bag with clothes, books and some other random stuff.

The room itself was essentially empty. There was a bed in the corner of the room next to the closet that was unused. The room also had a blue couch and matching armchair, which across the way was another door that led to the bathroom.

I took in my surroundings before opening the closet door to retrieve clothes to wear for the day. I grabbed my favourite black shirt with deep blue jeans and army boots. I then went to the bathroom and took a shower, getting myself both mentally and physically prepared for the day to come.

I was now dressed and standing in front of the mirror. My natural blond, curly hair was hanging damply in front of my golden eyes, partially blocking my view. But that didn't stop me from eyeing my scars. Each scar I wore with pride to show I had been in battle and survived. This proved to others of my kind that I was not one to be trampled with. I could kick anyone's ass—regardless of species—if provoked.

I was brought out from my lingering thoughts by a moody voice that belonged to one Edward Anthony Mason Cullen telling me, the God of War, to and I quote: "Move my sparkling disco ball of an excuse for a butt out the door or we'd be late for school."

I growled in frustration at the lack of respect. But then I also noticed how much time has passed. Without a care, I grabbed my school bag filled with useless textbooks and ran downstairs. When entering the kitchen, I saw the three mated couples huddled around a human girl. Right away, I wanted nothing more than report them for this crime, but held back until I knew she was in danger.

Overall, the human looked fairly average. She appeared to be eight or nine, had long black hair and was tall for her age. Her green eyes made her look unique, but besides that she was plain. I assumed she would be heading to the elementary school as we would head to that human high school.

I then took in the people that stood before me. Edward had an arrogant smirk on his face, as usual, and wore jeans with a shirt that read "music is truth." I rolled my eyes and looked at his mate Rosalie. Her golden hair tied in a perfect bun and wore a white dress with ankle boots. Alice was wearing a red halter top with a pair of faded jeans. It was weird to see her in such plain clothing. Next to her, Emmett was in black sweat pants and causal black shirt. Esme, with her long hazelnut coloured hair, had it loosely cascading down her back where it softly touched the black dress shirt and pencil skirt she had on. Carlisle, meanwhile, simply had on a blue suit.

They all stood there, and looked to be waiting for me. I shook my head and my beast snorted with disapproval about what we were going to do. We weren't human for crying out loud! We're vampires, we're superior to humans, yet we're acting like we are lesser beings. It was disgusting, and I couldn't agree with my beast anymore.

Bella's P.O.V

I was walking towards Forks High School in plain jeans, a tank top, black combat boots, and my long hair was tied back in a tight ponytail. Already I heard so many boys wolf whistle my way, and one even murmured to his friend about "how delicious I looked." Disgusting. I had the sudden want to give him a proper beating but held myself in place since I had other things to worry about; like finding the Cullens.

Then again, they were easy enough to spot. They were currently standing by their two expensive cars. There were five in total: two girls and three boys. No humans were with them. I then remembered that Aro had told me that they had a child with them.

This thought stayed in my mind until I noticed the third Cullen boy. He was, by far, the most attractive. I smelled the air to smell the sweetest scent – besides blood, of course. The boy smelled of the surrounding forest and surprisingly, roses.

I shook my head in irritation. I had a mission to complete and by the grave of my deceased mother I would not screw it up!

I ran to get to the school entrance. It looked old and moldy. I would think the rain be held accountable for the mold. According to the humans, this town hardly saw any sun.

I walked down an old and long hallway towards a sign that said "Office." I could hear so many people start to gossip about the two new kids. I frowned when I heard one say that a Cullen kid and myself just started here.

I was so distracted by my thoughts, that I never noticed a group of jocks walk my way with those pathetic sly grins on their faces. Next thing I knew, one reached out and grabbed my butt.

I turned around and gave him a death glare.

They laughed while the culprit commented on how he'd like to tap that – meaning me. Frustrated, I gripped his arm and before he could react I easily flipped him over so that his back collided against the floor with a bang.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned and hissed at the person, only to meet with the eyes of the man I had ogled this morning. He was one of the Cullen boys.

My eyes met his and a shock of pleasure ran through me as I looked into the eyes of my beautiful mate.

What a Hell of a way to start the day, was the one thought that ran through my mind.

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