Chapter 5

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Ok this one is unedited!!
I do not own twilight Miss Meyer does. : )

B pov

We walked back toward the school a feeling of satisfaction rained over me. I had caused havoc, found my mate and had rendered a powerful vampire speechless. I smirked at my mate. He squeezed my hand in appreciation to my pride. We walked through the halls and straight to the office no ass kicking stops on the way. Damn I thought to myself. We arrived in a grey office with an old lady behind a desk on her table was a sign that read receptionist.

We walked to her and Jasper took the lead on speaking. ' Ma'am this is Isabella...' He trailed of unsure of what to say was my surname and the old lady solved his problem instantly. 'Swan yes of coarse and you must be Mister Jasper Whitlock Cullen' Her voice sounded strained. After we both nodded she spoke once again. 'The principle will want to speak to you before you are given the papers that you require. please have a seat'.

We sat in silence for about 20 minutes not a word dared to be said. Then the woman we had seen earlier walked out of her office with the boy that had dared touch me. I snarled at him when he smirked at me, his smirk dropped and a look of pure fear replaced it. I heard and felt Japer snicker next to me. Our hands still interlocked. Occasionally I would rub my thumb across his knuckles and he would purr out of content. It was said that a mated vampire would purr if made happy by his mate, in an intimate moment or to calm his or her mate down from an angry state. each time he purred I shivered in delight.

The little human woman called us into her office with a stern voice. We walked into a blue room. Her achievements hung neatly in frames on the walls. A case with trophies staked inside in the corner nearest the open door. Her desk was a dark shade of blue whereas her office painted a baby blue colour. We walked in and acknowledged her. She nodded her head to the two blue chairs as a gesture to sit. I flopped down on mine and my mate stood behind me and held my shoulders firmly. I frowned not understanding why until she spoke. Answering my un answered question. 'I am sorry to do this but Miss Swan You and Mister Cullen are suspended from this school for a week. I apologize for this inconvenience. I have phoned your adoptive parents Mister Cullen and miss Swan your father has been notified. Now in a week's time I expect you in front of me again with a reflection of you actions and ready to start clean. You are dismissed' She finished off her tone held little respect and anger as well as disappointment, Which just pissed me off. I made a move as to slap her but found my mates hands on my shoulder held me still. I growled in anger when I heard him purr and my mood instantly changed to a calm and relaxed one.

I stood with my mate all to ready to leave this damn school Demitri would not be happy but in this moment i was happy to spend my time with my mate for a while if he allowed it of course. Submitted already Bella I heard my inner voice say and the thought made me pause at the realization. I shook my head when I felt my mate pull me towards the door. I followed and as we went the bell rand and I crouched down in pain. When it stopped I stood and straightened my cloths with ease. Then I noticed the humans come out and start to gossip as soon as they saw us. My anger increased at their filthy lies. who gave the right to speak of which are unknown to them. I looked at my mate to see his deadly calm face that looked as if a mask that hid his real feelings and thoughts.

'LISTEN UP EVERYONE. i HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY' I screamed instantly getting everyone's attention 'I AM NO SCARLET WOMAN THAT I ALLOW EVER BOY TO TOUCH ME SO YES I DEFENDED MYSELF AND THIS KIND GENTALMEN CAME TO MY AID. SO PLEASE QUIET YOUR PATHETIC RUMARS IF YOU KNOW NOT THE TRUTH' I yelled the last part before being dragged out the school by my mate. he walked us to the parking lot. ' which is your car Isabella' He growled and i cowered in fear and pointed to a ford double cab range warrior deluxe xzc ( AN: making a car up). He nodded his approval of my car admiring it as we walked towards it. He held out his hand and I knew he wanted my keys. Not wanting to anger him more I handed him my keys. He got to my side and opened the door. I gracefully got in. He closed my door before walking at human pace to his door taking the long way round. I assumed to admire my baby some more. I love this car so damn much it hurt. He got in and turned the key in the ignition. My cars engine roared to life and my one of my favourite artists songs played on the radio. I stand alone by Godsmack. I rocked my head back and forth as we drove out onto the only main road that could lead anywhere and for some reason I didn't care where we went as long as we went together.

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