Chapter thirteen

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twilight is owned by Miss Meyer . (Lemon warning)

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I looked at the woman I had to call mother with distaste. She came as close as she dared and sat looking at the view her roof offered. "I need to explain myself and I need you to listen to me please" she said quietly almost in a whisper. I knew if I spoke it would end badly so I simply nodded. "I was, as you know being hurt by your stepfather... often. I never did anything right. I hurt myself by not pleasing him he often remarked and I started to lose my strength to fight. He promised never to hurt you. He swore on the gods above he would leave you unharmed. Finally one night he strangled me to near death. I had passed out and he thought me dead so he for extra measure stabbed me and dropped me in front of Renée and Charles's house. Renee had a friend who could save me. Carlisle" a smile graced her features before carrying on with the story. "Carlisle saved me by turning me. But I was told I could not see you for a couple of years or I would drain you dry. so out of fear I stayed away. After seven years I had control and came looking for you. I was told you were dead. I killed Phil instantly, out of rage and pain. I had lost you to him. Even though he promised me" She finished venom tears running down her cheeks. "And you believed him? I asked in disbelief. She nodded and sobbed harder. "Your reasoning is reasonable but sadly its my turn to fill you in mother and trust me you will understand my hatred very well" I snarled anger filled me. I had taught myself anger would cover most of the pain. Esme flinched at my tone. I felt bad for a moment then straightened up.

I told her my side of the 3 years before my death. She was broken by the time I had finished. I looked away. Unable to take her pity looks. I looked at the sunset instead. "My child I am so sorry. had I known perhaps I could have done something. I am so sorry" Esme said in a hoarse voice from all her crying. I nodded the said my good bye with a promise I would come and spend more time with her tomorrow. Not that I wanted to.

I jumped down and was pulled into an embrace of my mates all to loving arms. "you have done well mate" he praised me as he nuzzled my neck. "Let's go drink I am thirsty" I muttered. He chuckled thn took my hand and we ran in silence.

J pov

She was emotional. She was sexy as hell. Wait no she is saddened. But still delicious. I groaned internally wanting to be sensitive but all of me ached to screw her raw. I was crazy I decided. She seemed to be deep in thought so we ran in silence so she could be left to her thoughts. But what made it harder to keep my need under control was watching her feed on a man about to mug an elderly couple. She was beautiful and animalistic while she fed. My lower area just became more of a problem it would seem.

"what are you thinking about? she asked bring me out of my staring and dirty thoughts. "your ass I mean your problems" I quickly amended my sentence. She smirked the slowly walked towards me. swaying her hips and batting her eyelashes seductively. I groaned at how yummy she was. this was my woman. Oh hell.

B pov

I was in his thoughts in a ... way. I couldnt help my lust rise as he fix his sentence and jeans. I took his hand and led him to a motel across the road. His cottage and the forest would take to long. Once there we got a room for the night as quickly as possible. The odd man behind the counter kept staring at my breasts. If it weren't for his diet, Jasper probably would have killed the man. we got into the room and before I could see the contents I was thrust up against a wall. I swallowed hard at his hungry gaze. I licked my lips taunting him. He ripped my shirt in half and captured my lips in a passionate kiss. Our tongues had a fierce battle. My bra joined the condition of my shirt and his lips attacked my nipples. I moaned in pleasure. But Jasper was in a hurry before I had a chance to fully enjoy the pleasure we were naked on the bed. He thrusted in and moaned while I gave a scream of pleasure. He continued his rough love till we came in union. I was breathing heavily.

"wow" was all i could get out. He just nodded and pulled out and lay in hid side beside me and pulled me into the crook of his arm. I fell asleep in his embrace.

James pov

"Maria are you sure this will work? I questioned her. The petite girl nodded. She was about 5 feet and had long brown hair. She had a red dress on and red stilettos. She had a shapeless face and had a crooked grin plastered on her face. "It will work, count on it. I will get Jasper and you will Get your mistress" She said with a large amount of giddiness flowed through her voice. "And you have a thousand soldiers yes? I asked. She nodded enthusiastically. Well then My Isabella was in my lap in only a few more days. But for now this dead vampire should be a good warning. What was his name flox , flex oh yes Felix.

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