Chapter seven

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I do not own twilight miss Meyer does. I own plot heheheh.

B pov.

I looked up at the man before me. James. I whimpered in pain as he hit me again. He gripped my hair and lifted me by my hair. Once he had me on my feet again he growled in anger once again. 'Please stop. Please' I begged.

I couldn't understand why I could not move. If I could I would have dismembered him again. By for some reason I was frozen unable to move. Almost as if my senses had been removed except speaking and feeling and seeing. He grinned at me. his eyes trailed down my body. His eyes darkened and he licked his lips. I fought to move. I silently begged Jasper to come and help me. I was suddenly pushed up against a wall by James. My dead heart broke as to think of how Jasper would view me if he did not come soon. James inhaled my scent, his eyes blackened. I gasped as his hands ran along my body. I tried to move with all my might but was frozen hi place. he grinned a devilish grin.

I was got more angry and thought of my gift and tried to use them but was unable to. I groaned inwardly. Shit was the only thing I could think about. A venom tear fell down my face as he ripped my shirt down the middle. He hummed in approval as he looked at me. I closed my eyes as more venom tears fell.

I all of a sudden felt myself crumple to the floor. rigid. immobilised. I strained my eyes to see around me. I sighed in happiness at a very pissed off God of War standing in fighting stance in front of me. I looked up to my left to see a growling James. I felt my fingers return to me slowly.

Jasper looked at me his gaze softened and I saw concern and love fill his eyes. He then saw my ripped shirt and roared out in anger the very stones on the ground shook at his ferocity. He walked towards James his entire being trembled in anger. He was in front of James before you could blink. He held his throat and growled in more anger. James's eyes whitened in fear. Jasper turned his around and smashed his face into the wall the audible crack was deafening. 'Ever come near my mate again and I'll kill you, you sick son of bitch. But for now hope I have mercy at the end of this beating' Jasper once again roared out. I was shit scared of this Jasper. Well scared to shit and kinda turned on. The major, is what some called this Jasper his wars and life made him legendry.

He began to beat James. A punch after punch was thrown before the vampire pulp on the floor could move. Finally Jasper heard me whimper in pain and was at my side instantly. 'Are you all right my mate' He asked worried of my mental and physical state. I nodded able to move again.

He looped his arm through mine and pulled me to him. He sat on the floor holding me close my eyes flashed to where the vampire was suppose to be. But the idiotic thing was gone. A sigh of relief escaped me. 'It's alright he is gone but I think you should tell me what that's all about' My mate demanded of me. I clenched my eyes shut and as I spoke of the first time James had started his obsession. But I couldn't help the memory that hit me as I spoke.


I was on m y way to bed after having being creeped out by James. Not to sleep but just to relax. I had just entered my room when I was crushed into the door. My face was pushed into the door as my attacker was against my back. 'Hello princess. all mine now aren't you' He said as he nuzzled his face in my hair. I growled in anger as I realised who was holding me. As I was older I managed to kick him across the room and disapear before he could stand running to my father and step mothers room. I has never felt so violated. But that was Just the beginning to my horror.

the end

Jasper was shacking with anger and growling at the memory which brought a horrid sob from my chest. He stopped instantly and purred while rubbing my back. James had done so much more over the years. I couldn't help but wonder what he would he do and feel. Would he still want me? only time would tell.

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