Chapter four

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Hi wonderful people.

Thanks to my beta SheikahLover for editing the chapter.

I do not own Twilight, Stephenie Meyer does.

Isabella's P.O.V

He just stood there looking at me in complete shock. I had rendered a very powerful man speechless. I felt so satisfied by this action alone.

A soft laugh that I could not hold in came from me. His mouth opened and closed as if he were about to say something but didn't know what to say.

Then the tension between us grew at an alarming rate. No, let me rephrase that, a little better. The sexual tension just thickened.

"You're powerful little thing, Isabella," he finally purred out.

A shiver ran through me at how he sounded... utterly sexy.

"But how is a young woman like you surviving with the Volturi?" He asked in evident confusion and disbelief.

I gasped. "That was utterly offensive and sexist, Mr Whitlock. How dare you. I can handle myself quiet well for your information." I hissed angrily.

I turned to walk away from him when I felt myself being forced to face his way. In the process, my back hit a tree trunk. I looked into the angry eyes of my mate. He snarled at me. I wanted to cower in fear, but I knew that I was not the type to just submit. Hell no. I had just as much control in this relationship as he did.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that little girl, a voice in my head shouted.

"Isabella, you are not the dominate one in this relationship; not at all. When I am done with you—" He growled before he could finish his sentence. Nonetheless, I didn't like how he trailed off.

I looked into his fierce eyes and felt guilt consume me for displeasing my mate.

"Sorry," I mumbled to him. He breathed on my face and I realised just how close our bodies were. I swallowed hard and my breathing unnecessarily increased. My body responded to him instantly.

He grinned happily. He noticed just how much he affected me, even if I had wished it untrue for him too. He licked his lips and my self-control started to slip away.

Damn, I am in for it now.

Jasper's P.O.V

She submitted herself entirely to me, both body and mind. She looked at me with anticipation in her eyes. I licked my lips in order to see my affect on her. Her gorgeous eyes followed my tongue on my lips. I smirked at the sight. I leaned in closer and brushed my lips against hers. Her breathing hitched. I then clenched my hands into her hair and used the other hand to pull her closer to me.

As I kissed her lips a fire grew in between us. It was strong, it was passionate. It was fierce but most of all it was beautiful. I had never felt anything like this before. It felt like I was more powerful. It felt incredible. Did she feel this as well? At this moment, I knew she was mine.

No, Ours, my beast agreed.

"Mine," I growled against her lips. I was rewarded with a soft moan that escaped her delicious lips. My mouth battled hers for dominance. I easily won. She tasted better than she looked. I still thought this was all a dream. I was so caught up I had not realised the short Cullen girl was standing behind me.

"Jasper, we need to go now. People are looking for you two," she shouted at us.

I pulled away to see a flustered looking Bella. I could feel the embarrassment flowing off her in waves. I looked at the Cullen girl wanting nothing more than to rip her head off her shoulders for interrupting us, but I knew she was only trying to help.

I smiled gently at her, only to hear a possessive growl flow from the lips of my mate. I chuckled at her in response. We followed the fairy Cullen to the edge of the woods, Isabella's hand clasped in mine throughout the entire ordeal. Meanwhile, I couldn't stop thinking about the first kiss Isabella and I shared only mere moments ago. I looked over to Isabella. She seemed to be walking in a daze from what I could tell. I could feel lust, determination – and was that a hint of love? – rolling off her.

Love? I wondered. Could it be there already? It seemed too soon to be true.

But even in my mind was I unsure of this. I was so deep in thought that I had not realized we were back at the school until I was slapped on my back. I growled and turned to face the person who dared to hit me only to be met by the sight of a grinning Emmett.

"Well done, man!" His voice boomed across the parking lot. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Ready to face the music?" I asked Bella.

She smirked before nodding. I held her close to me and walked towards the old school building with a look of defeat on my face. Why the hell was I doing this when I could grab my mate and just start running? Oh that's right; I have to think of my mate. Then I realized something important. I had yet to ask her why the Volturi was here in little tiny Forks.


Oh well, we still have a while to get to know her and her business.


But it still bothered me as to why she was here.

James' P.O.V

She had found a boyfriend. Oh, she would pay for defying me. I own her. She is mine. I had tried so many times to get her to submit in the past, but she always refused. I growled in anger at how easily she submitted to this ugly creature that ruined her mouth.

My anger grew when I heard him growl "mine," and her moan of pleasure.



Regardless, I will have her either way. This would not go unnoticed when I claim her as my property. She would pay for this sinful act. Soon she will be mine. All mine. And not even this creature will be able to do anything about it.


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