Chapter 11

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Stephanie Meyer owns Twilight.

B pov

I stared at the ceiling, while Jasper played with my hair, deep in thought. Last night had been amazing. I lay with my back against his chest. Only a sheet covering us. 'What has my mate so sorrowful. Are you hurt? Jasper asked in a whisper in my ear. I smiled and sighed as his hand brushed my cheek. 'no I am all right' I replied to him. 'That's not what I meant? He said a note of irritation in his voice. I looked at the pile of cloths on the floor and bit my tongue to hold back my snarky comment.

Instead I got up and started redressing. 'I will face that problem when my heart is able to bear it' I replied in a cold voice. I had only managed to place my bra on when I was being held up against the wall. 'I would not be so coldly to the man who has waited almost as long as you have for you. I asked you a question, I ask to see if you are... going to survive this alone or will need help' He growled. I gasped in realization of how close his body was to mine. I groaned at myself in irritation of how easily I got distracted. He grinned as he smelled my arousal.

Faster than I could blink, I was naked on the bed. I shook my head but did not resist when he captured my lips in a kiss. I moaned as he ground into me. I breathed heavily as his kissed down my neck.

'Get off of my daughter you horny basterd' I heard the voice I had hoped not to hear too soon scream. But my instincts kicked in and I was crouched in front of my mate, Instantly. 'Get out you sadistic fucked up rat Bitch' I roared out. My mother stopped her hateful glare contest that she and Jasper were in and turned her gaze to me. Her gaze softened and love and concern filled it.

I wanted to rip her throat out. I wanted to kill her. Do it. she left us. She hurt us. my beast pleaded. I gasped and gripped my chest as my beast started to try rip through me and take over.

'Bella what is happening? My mate asked concerned as well. 'Get her out. Or Ill Kill her' I managed to gasp out as I crawled to the furthest corner. I had nerver known I had this much anger for a woman I had adored and loved so much. I hated her. I loathed her. She had left me with that beating, raping piece of shit. She had left me. I looked up to see I was in a ball hitting my back against the wall creating a hole. The woman I called mom was gone and I felt my beast pull back instantly. I breathed in and out. No pain. No anger. I felt Jasper pull me into his lap. The tears fell. harder and harder.

'What did she do? My mate asked me. I felt my heart twist at the thought of the memories that had haunted me for to many years. 'She left me with a man who beat and raped me' I replied in a chocked voice. I gripped his shirt in pain as the memories of his evil smile that he wore every time. I felt my mate tense. I cried harder.

We stayed there as I told him all of my horrific past. Jasper held me tightly to him and spoke comforting words. When I was done and had calmed down I dressed and placed my clam mask back on my face. Only my father and step- mother , had ever seen this side of me.

We walked out the house and into the forest. I breathed in the fresh air. I grinned happy to have let it loose and now just feel ok. Then my mate snarled and pulled me behind him. 'What do you want? he screamed and James walked out. I felt my eyes widen in horror and mentally asked if I had not gone through enough for one day. 'I am here to speak my warning' He said in a tone that screamed humour. 'I am collecting soldiers and a famous woman called Maria, and I fight for Isabella and she fights for you Whitlock. so give her over and none will be hurt or fall or keep her and watch all you love and treasure die'. With that he disappeared.

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