Chapter 12

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Mrs Stephanie Meyer owns twilight.

B pov

I stood there completely stunned. Then I started laughing and I laughed and laughed till I was a sobbing mess on the floor. This was madness. I wanted it to end. I have found my mate at last and yet the world seems ready to tear us apart after such little time together.

'Bella are you alright? Jasper asked me carefully. I sat there sobbing and then nodded and lay down and looked at the sky above us. The sun shone through and my skin sparkled. I closed my eyes and breathed heavily. 'Stop believing all the reasons why something won't work but the one reason it will" I whispered. 'Pardon ? Jasper questioned. I shook my head and answered him. "my mother often would tell me that as a child" and for once I understand the meaning behind those words. "so your mother is a good one even if she made a mistake? Jasper said softly to me. I felt his hand rub my cheek. I leaned into his touch almost at peace in that moment.

'Should we not go my love" He asked or rather more like demanded. Jasper was dominant but had a gentle side, which I doubt he often showed. Jasper alone was a mystery that I would love to discover in my own way. He was starting to take control of me slowly. His dominance was exciting, scary and sexy all at the same time. I of course would play the hopeless submissive. His curly hair cut short yet I loved to run my hands through his hair. His gold eyes made him seem to glow. He was a handsome man yes but he had a dangerous past or background which he has yet to walk me through. He found me staring at and could see the love I had already claimed for the vampire and human he was. His human side. He descended his head to mine slowly. Taunting me. My breath grew heavy. My dead heart would be beating out of my chest at this point had I been human of course. His lips finally were placed upon mine. A slow, hungry kiss was the one we shared. His lips like fire across mine. His tongue like ice as it battled for dominance. Yes this kiss I would remember for all slowly pulled away and pulled me to my feet. A new understanding of one another began that day. Yes it began that day.

"Come we must rally up Vampires to help us fight this battle my love" Jasper said calmly. I then frowned. "Why would other even care for our battle. Who would fight for two people, That love each other. If they get nothing out of it ? Jasper why would they? I asked him. I looked down an icy feeling of fear ran down my back. I felt Jasper lift my head to face him. "Perhaps your father and the Volterra or your mother even" He answered. I sighed heavily. "That means I have to face her right? I asked unhappily. He nodded with a small laugh. It will be ok. "well lets go. I am so exited" I said sarcastically.

Jasper pov

I laughed out right at her words and tone of voice. I took her hand and we started to run. Everything passed by fast. Only seconds did it take before we stood before the Cullen house. I felt my mate tense and knew I was going to have to keep a close check on her emotions at this rate. We weren't even in the house and here she was getting angry already. I gripped her hand hard. Then started to walk towards the houses front door. But Carlisle beat me to it. Bella Growled lowly. I shook my head at her. "But she fucks this guy" Bella out right said. Emmet's booming laughter rang through the house. I then noticed Bella Shaking with laughter silently. Carlisle looked a bit embarrassed and as if he were to start laughing aswell. "Isabella "Isabella your language is disgusting" I heard Esme say from inside. Bella started to growl again. Anger was flowing from her like crazy. "Bella common behave" I said lowly. In an instant she stood up straight and stopped growling. I smiled. Then we walked into the house past Carlisle. There in the lounge sat everyone. They all stood when we entered. I walked with Bella to the first couple which was Edward and Rosalie. "Bella this is Edward and Rosalie Cullen. Edward, Rosalie this is Isabella Voltouri" I introduced them then moved on. "Emmet and Alice Cullen. And Last you know your mother and Carlisle Cullen her mate" I finished off. Bella nodded. I smiled comfortingly at Bella knowing she did not want to be anywhere near her mother.

"It's lovely to meet you" Alice said with her usually happy and cheerful voice. Bella nodded but did not say a word. "Hello Bella" Emmet and Rosalie said at the same time. "Bella means beautiful in Italian right? Edward said to My mate eagerly. I frowned at how he looked at us. My mate nodded again not speaking. "We are here to ask for help. that is all" Bella finally said. No emotion could be heard in her voice. "Esme stood and walked towards Bella and I instantly gripped my mates shoulders to keep her calm. Esme Stopped for a moment then continued. She reached Bella and hugged her. My beast screamed that it was a bad idea. So I pulled Bella away from her as quickly as possible. Esme frowned until she saw My mates expression. "What have you done to her" Esme screamed at me. I for a moment let my grip loosen and Bella took this moment to lose her cool.

B pov

"Esme would you like to know why i wish to harm you until you move no more. Would you? I yelled anger taking a hold of my body. "YES. FOR GODSAKES TELL ME! Esme Yelled. I tightened my hand into a fist and punched her square in the jaw. She went flying and landed in the wall denting it. "Because for 3 years you left me with a beating raping bastered" I yelled pain gripped me once again. I couldn't be here. "Jasper get me out of here" I screamed through clenched teeth. I felt Jasper pick me up and start to walk at human pace outside. once there he jumped and landed on the roof. Jasper placed me next to him. I sat there staring at the now setting sun. Jasper stood up only minutes after the sunset and made me face him as he spoke. "Bella, Esme is gonna come up here and I want you to just listen to what she has to say. Please just try do this for me for us" He asked. I swallowed hard and looked away before giving my answer. "Yes, I'll try" I replied. He smiled and kissed the top of my head. He then disappeared.

Moments later my Mother appeared. She had a guilty expression and such sadness held her eyes. It was time to listen.

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