Ruby {Frank}

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Teen!Frank imagine❤️ you're Ruby btw lmao

Frank POV

I watched her walk past me in the hallway. She saw me out of the corner of her eye and smiled at me, at me. I thought she didn't know I existed for the most part. I've been in love with her since kindergarten when she shared her crayons with me when the bullies took mine away. I rushed behind her "Hi, Ruby" she opened her locker, smiling at me "Hey, Frankie" I leaned against a locker and fought back a blush "How have you been lately?" She kept on smiling "Pretty good, how about you? Anybody picking on you?" I nodded "A little, but I can handle it" "You wanna walk to class with me?" "Sure".

We walked into class and she took her seat in the front. She was one row away from me and two seats up so I had a perfect look at her. I swear she is just like an angel to me, she's a queen who I would love to hold in my arms and whisper sweet things to her until she falls asleep. Oh god, I sound like a girl right now...but it was just true.

After school I called her and asked her to meet me at the playground we use to hang out at in middle school. "Hey Frank" "Hey" I looked down at her, swinging my legs off of the swing, "Did you wanna talk about something?" I shook my head "I just felt like seeing you" she blushed a deep red which made me smile. I started swinging and started talking "Ruby" she hummed and began to swing too. "I was wondering if you uh..if you maybe wanted to Uhm....oh I don't know" I stopped and sighed "Frank?" "Will you maybe....g-go out w-with me?" She got off the swing and smiled, "Frankie" she pulled me up and hugged me, bringing me into a kiss. Oh yeah. She always took what she wanted. Because she was just Ruby....just perfect.

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