Collar Full {Mikey}

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"{y/n}, come on" I grabbed my coat off of the rack as I walked out of the bar quickly. My sneakers hit the ground as I walked quicker "{y/n}!" I kept my fast pace and I heard him keep running until his arms wrapped around me and I stopped slowly. "Please, what's the matter?" I leaned into him and sighed, tears falling down my cheeks. I turned around and he held me tighter, seeing the tears. "Tell me, I want to help you, come on" "Mikey, can we go home?" I asked so quietly that I didn't think I could hear myself. He kissed me forehead and grabbed my hand, "Wait here for a second, okay?" He went back in and grabbed his coat. I stood there, leaning against the wall for a minute, and sighed "Just tell him, just tell him.." I murmured to myself quietly. I saw a man look at me as I buttoned up my coat, I made sure not to make eye contact. "Are you alright miss?" "I'm fine, thank you, just tired" he nodded and continued walking as Mikey came back out. "Babe, do you wanna walk?" "Unless you can find a taxi at..4 in the morning" he chuckled and pulled me close to him as we walked. After maybe 10 minutes I sighed "My legs hurt" he stopped and picked me bridal style. I scrunched my legs and wrapped my arms around him, hiding my face in his neck "You smell nice" I felt him laugh and he held me tighter "Yeah, so do you" I smiled. After what felt like forever, we got back to the apartment. We walked upstairs, me still in his arms.

"Michael James Way, you amaze me" he chuckled "Their just stairs, it's like carrying nothing" he said, sounding tired. I took off my coat and shoes slowly, as I was exhausted. I got my pajamas on and I laid in the bed after wiping off my makeup and washing my face, he turned off the giant light in the room so only the glow of a lamp lit the room. He got in bed and wrapped his arms around me quickly, I scooted up and looked at him, our noses touching "I'm sorry" "It's fine, just tell me what's wrong" "I've just been wanting to tell you something" he kissed my forehead quickly. "I just wanted to tell you...that I....I love you" I whispered the last part, as we had only been dating for maybe 2 months.

"I love you too {y/n}" he kissed me gently and pecked my lips a few times before turning to turn off the lamp but I stopped him "I wanna see your face just for a little longer" I held his face in my hands. He smiled and kissed me again, after that we just looked at each other for a minute or so until I let him turn out the light. "So, what did the guys say?" "I told them you were upset and that I didn't know why and they said that you probably missed me and that we could go" I smiled at that, they could be really thoughtful at times even though they are a tiny bit crazy. "Goodnight" he kissed my forehead and we went to sleep that night sleeping facing each other.

When I woke up the next morning, I kissed him all over his face to wake him up and I ran my hand though his blonde hair "I love you" I giggled and he smiled widely with his eyes closed before grabbing me and rolling us over so he could do the same to me.

Very fluffy, yore welcome❤️

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