Parents Day {Mikey}

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This is for -mypatheticromance- am so so sorry this is MONTHS late, I apologize so much for that, I kinda forgot about it!! Anyways, here you go, enjoy!

"Come on daddy!" your 6 year old daughter yelled from the car at your husband of 8 years. "Okay, okay honey, I'm coming" "Good luck honey, have fun" you kissed him on the lips for what felt like a second, but was a lot longer "Daddy! Mommy!" You both pulled away and he pecked your lips and went next to your ear "She's seeing your mom after school today, so.." He kissed your cheek, holding his lips there for a second. You blushed and they got in the car to go to school, he had promised to tell you everything and you couldn't wait until tonight. "Okay, so Ms.Way, I see you brought you dad?" She nodded, sitting on Mikey's lap "Yeah, tell 'em daddy, tell 'em" she said excitedly and he stood up "Okay, well.." He hesitated, looking over at the teacher, your daughter clutched to his leg. "I'm in a band, and I play the bass and it's awesome!" He said excitedly, sort of forcing a smile considering he was nervous as hell. "What band?" A little kid in the front asked "It's called My Chemical Romance, we're pretty cool" the kid smiled "I guess, if you're a loser" another father said from behind him "I don't think it is..we make more money than boring lawyers do guys" a couple of kids laughed at him "Kate your daddy's boring!" A kid yelled and Mikey gave a smile, fighting a laugh. "I am not-" "Boring! Boring! Boring!" The kids chanted and the teacher shushed them, smiling a little.

He sat down with a huff and your daughter looked at him "My daddy's awesome! I love him!" Mikey picked her up and say back down "Any questions for him?" The teacher asked and the kids shook their heads "Being in a band is cool! I think that's all we need to know!" Everyone laughed and the parents continued to talk about their jobs. Afterwards, they drove home and she was laughing about how awesome her dad is, when they reached the house you were there smiling at them "How was it?" "Daddy was so awesome!" She hugged you "Well let's talk about it during dinner, I need to talk to daddy, grandma wants to see you!" She smiled "Grandma!" She walked out of the house and your daughter jumped into her arms "I'll have her for an hour or so, that's all I'm giving you" she scolded "Mom!" You laughed an shot her shoulder, she chuckled and they both drive away. "I love her so much {y/n}" "I love her too, and I love you daddy" you took his hand and went into the house, Mikey was blushing as he pushed you against the front door "I missed you so much" he smiled as he kissed you, and then went down your jawline "You're so beautiful" "I missed you too Mikey". {Skip because that's the next one!}

"And then everyone went 'boring!' She yelled at the table, hitting it with her tiny hands" "Oh really?" You laughed, squeezing Mikey's hand and looking at him, he smiled nervously and nodded "Yeah, they saved me getting my butt kicked, honey" "I'm glad my husband didn't come home with a black eye" you smiled at him. She continued to talk about it, you all laughing at the situation. You loved them so damn much.

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