Hang 'Em High {Frank Iero}

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"Good morning girls" Frank smiled as he walked into the kitchen, greeting me and our little girl. Frank picked her up and spun her around, she giggled "Daddy!" "What's up princess?" I stood up and leaned on the counter "We were just gonna make pancakes and surprise you, but you decided to get up early today" I pecked him on the lips and she made a gagging sound "Go put your socks on, munchkin" she ran upstairs and I brought him into a passionate kiss.

"What was that for?" He put his forehead against mine "For you looking so cute today" he cracked a smile and pulled me closer to him, if the was even possible. "I love you {y/n}" he kissed me again but we were soon interrupted by tiny footsteps hitting the staircase "Mommy and daddy are getting smoochy!" We pulled apart and both laughed "You sound like your uncle Gerard" I stated and ruffled her hair. There was a knock at the door and I groaned "Oh, here we go".

Frank went to open the door and not-so surprisingly, Gerard and Lindsey were standing there with cake mix. "Bandit!" the two girls hugged each other and went off to play, Gerard raised his eyebrows and grinned "So.....I remember hearing pancakes". I chuckled "Let's get started then".

{This idea came from nowhere, but I hope y'all thought it was cute! Updating soon...}

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