The Kids Aren't Alright {Ray Toro}

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I dropped to my knees, quiet tears streaming down my face with my boyfriends phone in my hand and my other hand covering my mouth. I was about ready to scream in sadness and anger.

I had fun last time...we should meet up again, you are single aren't you?-J

What broke my heart was the text he sent back.

Yeah babe, how about tomorrow night?

At least I know where he is right now. I just can't believe he would do this to me, I mean he's Ray Toro...possibly the sweetest guy in the world but he just like everybody else in my life. I saw this coming, it happens to most rock stars but I didn't think I'd be that girl. I stood up slowly as thoughts ran through my mind, I placed the phone on the counter before walking up the stairs. I grabbed my backpack and put some things in it, clothes and things like that. I closed the bag and put on my jacket, sighing as I zipped it up and pulled the hood over my head. I picked up the bag, closing it, and threw it over my shoulders before putting on my converse and walking out the door quietly.

I got in the car and drove to my apartment, glad I hadn't moved in with him yet. As soon as I locked my door I sunk to the floor and began to sob slightly, hugging my body close to me and putting marks in my skin. It hurt so bad...but I'd get over it in time. At least I hoped I would.

12 months later
"I love you" "I love you too Patrick" I giggled as my boyfriend spoke to me through the phone. "I'm so excited to see you tonight, you can't even imagine, I can't wait to have you in my arms" I blushed and giggled once again "I just want you here already" I whined "I know sweetie, I have to go, getting in the plan, I love you so so so much, bye. I love you" I didn't have time to respond as I heard a woman in the background "Sir, please hang up", I chuckled to myself at my boyfriends loving nature.

After six months of sulking over Ray, I met Patrick in a bar where I was drowning my sorrows. We went back to his place and he said he didn't want to take advantage of me when I was drunk and we ended up sobering me up and talking into the early morning and we started dating a month later. I'd fallen in love with him harder than I had with Ray and I was surprised about that fact.

I was walking back to my shared apartment with Patrick before I got pushed on a wall and was met with a familiar pair of lips. I pushed him off and looked wide eyed, already knowing it was him, "What the fuck Ray!" He shook his head "Please, don't be mad at me" I hit his chest "You fucking cheated on me Ray, I don't hear from you for a year. A fucking year! And now this? Just leave me alone" I walked away and he touched my arm "No! Go back to your fucking slut asshole" I know I was being harsh but he cheated on me and I wasn't dealing with it.

After Patrick got him we had a nice dinner and talked about tour. I sat for a minute and then heard music start to play, I walked into the living room and saw he dimmed the lights and opened his arms slightly for me. I walked over with a smile and I kissed him, wrapping my arms around him. He picked me up and we sat on the couch, still kissing. The rest of the night was filled with I love you's but Ray was still in the back of my mind.

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