Destiny...? {Frank Iero}

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"Why are we here, {f/n}?" I asked wearily as we walked into the club while straightening my black skinny jeans "Because you haven't had a fun night since you got dumped" she smiled in an attempt to make me feel better "Okay then, let's just get this night over with".


I took the shot glass and rushed the vodka down my throat, I huffed "Whoa, that hits hard" {f/n} laughed at my reaction to the burning taste "You get used to it, hey I'm gonna go dance, meet me right here in about an hour" I nodded and headed to the dance floor. Alone.

I just kind of stood there amused at the weird movements people were doing against one another. I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around "Hi!" I yelled over the music. This guy was not much taller than me, he was shorter than most guys I had met. He had short black hair that was swooped to one side, and his hazel eyes drew me in as soon as I turned. "Do you wanna dance?!" I nodded and he led me out of the club.

I stood in the alley, extremely confused, "Sorry, it's so loud in there" I nodded "Yeah, and it's very uncomfortable with people just dry-humping each other" We both laughed as he pulled out his iPhone and held a headphone out to me. 'His laugh is so adorable' I placed it in my ear and he placed the other in his ear before putting the iPod in his jeans pocket. Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day rang in my ears quietly as he wrapped his arms around my waist and my arms went around his neck. We swayed back and fourth for what felt like hours, but it was only for four or five songs on his iPhone.

"What's your name? I'm Frank by the way" "{y/n}, it's nice to actually know your name" he chuckled and he pulled back as we continued to sway. I put my lips on his instantly, he kissed back intently as fireworks went off in my chest, I hardly knew this guy and I was making out with him. We pulled apart "Um- I shouldn't have done that, sorry" I panicked "No it's fine, it was more than fine actually" he smiled and I told him I had to meet my friend. He gave me his number and passionately placed his lips on mine, I groaned when he pulled away.

"Sorry babe, I'd do a lot more than that but we haven't even been on a date" I blushed hard and he came back to kiss me one more time "I wish you'd do more" I groaned before he left "See ya later {y/n}". I couldn't wait to text him later.

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