Why Are We Apart {Ray Toro}

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{A/N hi! Should I put titles on these? You should let me know in the comments!}

I walked into the club, Brendon following me, and felt a pang in my chest. There he is, my ex boyfriend, Ray Toro, I panicked but he saw me before I could react quick enough. "{y/n}?" I looked down quickly and walked over to Brendon, acting like I didn't see him. "Guess who's here, Brendon" he furrowed his eyebrows as we sat across from each other, waiting for Dallon to show up. I motioned my head towards the stage "I don't know what you're talking about, I don't see any- holy shit, Gerard" he said quietly "Yeah, and guess who else is here" "{y/n}? I thought that was you" I heard Ray interrupt my thoughts as he sat next to me.

Brendon formed an 'o' with his mouth, understanding the situation now and I kicked his shin under the table, he flinched and I made a face that said 'no shit, go away'. He looked confused but got up "I'm gonna see if Dallon's here yet" he rushed out the door quickly. "So, {y/n} how have you been?" I nodded my head "I've been worse, but pretty good, what about you?" "Good, everything is pretty good". "That's uhm-" "Why are we apart?" I was taken aback by the question that meant all to much because I didn't know the answer. Instead of answering him I pulled him into a hug, not wanting him to see the tears flowing down my cheek.

"I don't know Ray, I really don't," I pulled away from him "I don't know why we're apart, but I don't wanna be like this anymore, these have been the worst three months of my life" he stared at me in shock and almost.....relief. "Only you can answer that Ray, why did you dump me?" He shook his head "I don't know, baby I'm sorry" I smiled slightly, some part of me wanted to hear those words.
"I fucking love you, can we please get back together?" I nodded my head slowly and kissed him longingly, I missed him. And now he was mine again.

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