Chapter 22 - Dragons

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This chapter is dedicated to Metalicana! Happy reading! ^^


Sting pov:

"Okay! Let's take the Central Plaza!" Fairy Tail's Master called out to all the members of his Guild.

I was now the Master of Sabertooth but I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be doing to be a good Master. Seeing the way Fairy Tail gathered together, as one solid powerful unit, it made me want to lead Sabertooth as a united force as well. I wanted everyone to fight together and I wanted to protect my comrades.

"You guys go on ahead! Hanataro and I will catch up with you in a minute!" Airi called out as she stood near me healing Orga.

Airi had surprised me too. Even after how I had insulted her, how Sabertooth had insulted Fairy Tail, hurt their members and been so insensitive, she still healed us without any hesitance. More than that, even if she was healing us because we had to fight against the dragons that would appear soon, she had no reason to help me when Lector was almost killed by the previous Master. She didn't have to leave her friend with me, risking his safety, and have him heal Lector.

But I was extremely grateful for what she had done.

I had been rather embarrassing in the way I had shown her my gratitude though. It was the spur of the moment, and dare I say the only way I felt I could get a moment's feeling of reassurance; I had hugged her. I had hugged her in front of my Guild members, Fairy Tail members and the members of all the other Guilds gathered here. How embarrassing could I get?!

I didn't mind it though. Even when I had met her before the Grand Magic Games began, I thought she was pretty. I had challenged Natsu san and told him that if Sabertooth won the tournament, Airi would join our Guild and be my pet. I never intended to treat her as a 'pet' if we did win.....I liked her headstrong attitude and I wanted to get to know her.

My plan backfired but at least she was being friendly with me and the others of my Guild.

A few seconds passed and we all tensed when we felt a tremor pass therough the ground. Airi snapped her head up and looked in the direction of Mercurius castle. She narrower eyes and clenched her jaw. She clenched her fists as well and got a rather amused smirk on her lips.

"So, this is what it really meant?" She mumbled.

"What's going on? This doesn't feel like a regular earthquake." Orga said looking at the castle concerned.

"'s not an earthquake. It's the dragons. Cant you feel the power? They're coming out of the Eclipse portal near the castle. Whoever told Princess Hisui about the Eclipse Project being a way of changing the past to save the future made a fool out her and of all of us. The portal was opened to summon the dragons. No wonder I couldn't sense any dragons...." I didn't understand what Airi meant but moments later, a total of seven dragons appeared, five of them taking flight in the sky and not stalling to destroy Crocus with no hesitance.

"There's no time for details. Since the people from the town have been evacuated to safety, this whole place is our battle ground. We're going to have to fight with our full power to defeat the dragons. Go all out and protect your comrades and have some fun beating the bad guys." Airi looked at all of us, lastly at me, and winked. I tensed, feeling a blush rise on my cheeks.

I was mildly surprised at how I had reacted to her gesture. Well, she was in a way special because she had been so nice to us and I was moved. But why was I getting flustered over a silly wink?!

"Hanataro! You're going to be back up. Avoid being seen by any of the dragons and if anyone needs a healing session, just go and help them, got it?" She looked at her friend, giving him instructions.

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