Chapter 34 - Decisions

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                             I wrote a chapter for this story before Reality Check. I was kind of going in a constant flow of this story so here's an early update! :D

This chapter is dedicated to tinyposhpanda! Happy reading! :3


Airi pov:

It took me several hours to explain everything that happened with the Council and with Starrk and Lilynette. I told them who exactly he was, how strong he probably was but how, despite all the power he had, he just wanted friends to be around.

The entire time, there was pin drop silence and 100% concentration, which I have to say, is quite strange coming from Fairy Tail.

I also had to explain how this world worked to Starrk and Lilynette. They were mildly surprised about the concept of magic and mages but they didn't seem to mind it. In fact, they seemed pretty positive about it, even confessing they were glad they didn't have to unnecessarily fight and kill other people. They didn't mind how noisy Fairy Tail was either.

Going for missions here would be a piece of cake for them so I doubt they would have any problem earning money. I could use some of my savings to rent them a small house a little away from where Lucy and I lived since they would obviously need a place to stay. But after the first installment, they would have to take care of paying the monthly rent themselves.

"Hmmm.....if it is coming from you, we can trust these two people. They do seem rather docile." Master watched Starrk and Lilynette. Starrk though, was sitting at one of the tables, chin resting in one hand and already nodding off. Lilynette was standing near the request board looking at the different requests put up there.

"Thank you, Master. I can guarantee that they're good people. I'm sure that even though they don't show it, they're happy to be given the chance to be around people." I smiled.

"Why don't you show them around town then? They'll have to figure out where they'll be staying and how things work here. Since you've just come back from the Council and a tough mission, you should take it easy today." Master suggested.

"That sounds great. I'll take up your offer then, Master." I chuckled before walking to Starrk.

"Hey Starrk? Wake up. You and Lilynette have to get the Guild insignia printed to show that you're a member." I shook his shoulder and he gave a opened his eyes lazily to look at me.

"Yeah? Okay. Oi Lilynette! Come over here! Airi says we have to get a stamp or something." He stood up and Lilynette sprinted to his side.

"You too, Hanataro. You have to get the Guild mark too." I called him with a wave of my hand.

We all walked up to the bar table were Kinana was drying glasses that had just been washed. She smiled and welcomed the three new members to the Guild. After telling them a little about the Guild insignia, she gave them time to decide where they wanted to have it printed.

Hanataro got it printed on the back of his right hand just like Lucy but in a pure white color. Well, I think white suited him. It indicated his innocence and cheerful attitude.

Starrk got it printed on his collar bone right next to the hollow hole and Lilynette got it printed on her right rib. Both of them got it done in an electric blue color – matching the color of their rieatsu and Cero.

"Look Starrk!! We're a part of this Guild now! We're a team and all these guys are our comrades!" Lilynette was grinning as she looked between her Guild insignia and the others in the Guild.

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