Real Name

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Lizzie's P.O.V

When I opened the letter, I was shocked by its content. There were pictures of Jimin and V talking to us and us talking to Yugyeom. I noticed that there was a flash drive and a note attached to it. It read:

Open this on your laptop. Make sure to put in headphones. ;)

Once again this letter was typed. I placed the drive into my laptop and plugged my earbuds into the laptop. There was a video so I clicked 'play.' The first thing I saw was Mark chained up to a metal table tilted at an angle.

Mark, why are you crying? You look so pathetic and helpless.

I saw a whip.

Not gonna cry for help Mark? Look at the camera. I am gonna show this to your girlfriend.

I blushed when he said girlfriend. The weird-voiced man picked up the camera and did a close-up of Mark's face. There were cuts all over and I noticed blood slowly dripping out of his mouth. I began to tear up. Mark.

*slash* Look at the camera bi*** or I will bring out the 'other object.'

I heard a maniacal laugh coming from the camera and noticed Mark mouthing something seconds before the video ended. I replayed those parts until I realized what he mouthed. It was the kidnappers name. He mouthed, "He is-"

Mark's P.O.V. (a day before)

While I was thinking hard on who could be the man, my mind decided to throw in a random memory. It was from when I was in my last year of middle school.

~~~• flashback •~~~

"Hey Mark," said a red-nosed Jackson.

"Are you okay? Your nose is all red and your voice sounds sick."

"I am fi-ACHOO!" Jackson sniffed. "Just kidding. I have a cold."

"Why did you come to school then? Your mom forced you?"

"Nope. In fact, she forced me to stay in bed but I couldn't. I wanted to see you!" said he as he smiled. I blushed. The bell rang to go to our first-period. I sat in my usual seat and noticed something weird. There was someone sitting next to me!

On the first day of school, there was supposed to be someone sitting beside me, but that person never came to school. When I looked at him, he was tall with brown hair and green highlights. He noticed me staring at him and sent me a smirk. I quickly looked away blushing.

When it was lunch, I noticed him again. He looked lost so I decided to walk up to him and ask him if he wants to sit with Jackson and I. He agreed and walked with me to our table. "Hello. I am Jackson. What's your name?"


"Cool. How do you know Mark? I've never seen you here before?"

"1st period."

He didn't seem to talk much. We ate our lunch silently, but Jackson being Jackson asked Taehyung a question which seemed to irk him. "How come you never came to school? Homeschool? Do your parents know?" As soon as Jackson said 'parents' Taehyung stood up walking away. We heard something being punched, and teachers began to rush out of the cafeteria.

"Jackson. You shouldn't have said anything."

"Why? I just wanted to know more about him."

"Why am I in love with you," I mumbled quietly.


"Nothing," and I began to run, looking for Taehyung.

~~~• end of flashback •~~~

That's when it hit me. The cloaked man whose voice is super deep is Kim Taehyung. Suddenly, "Taehyung" came in with a whip. I didn't know why, but I guess I reached the stage of kidnapping of being whipped.

*whip* "Mark, why are you crying? You look so pathetic and helpless. "

*whip * "Not gonna cry for help Mark? Look at the camera. I am gonna show this to your girlfriend." Girlfriend? Did he mean Lizzie?

*whip* "Look at the camera bi*** or I will bring out the 'other object.' " I decided to mouth Taehyung's name, thinking he will send this video to Lizzie. He turned off the camera, slashed me until everything turned black.

Lizzie's P.O.V.

The next day, I texted the gang, and Yugyeom, to the front of '$unbucks,' which is a coffee house. It was a Saturday, which was perfect because we could, maybe, save Mark. Maybe. I waited for almost an hour until the whole group arrived.

We were seated in the back booth, giving us a lot of privacy. I showed them the video of Mark on my phone, since I didn't want to bring my laptop. "Do you guys know who Kim Taehyung is?" I asked. Everyone shook their head.

"Who the heck is Kim Taehyung? Was he the one who kidnapped Mark?" asked Bam.

"I think so. Why else would he mouth Kim Taehyung?" I said.

"I don't know."

"Okay," began Jaebum, "Maybe this 'Taehyung' dude goes to our school? If he does, we can check out a past yearbook and see if he's there?"

"What if he is a Freshman (first year of high school in U.S.) this year?" asked Yugyeom.

"Then we will take a hacking class and hack into the government's websites. And then we can force the government to tell us anything and everything about Kim Taehyung, online. We could be like the new 'Anonymouse!'" exclaimed BamBam energetically.

"'Anonymouse?'" repeated Junior and Youngjae in unison, quietly giggling.

"Yeah. Did I say anything wrong?"

"We're not doing that Bam," said Jaebum seriously.

"Do any of you guys have a yearbook from last year?" I asked.

Jaebum replied, "I do. We can go to my house and look through it."

We all agreed and made our way to Jaebum's house. We'll save you Mark! Don't lose hope!


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I bet the cloaked man was obvious for like 98.99901% of you guys.. lol This book has almost 300 reads. YAYYY! See you guys in the next chapter! Annyeong! (●'∀`●)

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