The Mastermind

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Mark's P.O.V.

While I was "sleeping," 'Taehyung' walked into the room. I heard him talking to someone, but I didn't know who. "Yah, they are close to finding us," I heard 'Taehyung' say.

The other person replied, "At least they took the bait."

"But now I am in danger."

"So what? All those kids are stupid anyway."

"You never know though. They thought of me as a suspect, and now they are going to my super smart friends to ask them for help."

"Then tell your damn friends not to help them."


I heard someone walking to the door, but I knew there was someone else. "Ayyy.. Everyone is so clueless." I heard him leave the room and slightly opened my left eye, noticing that there was no one on the room I opened my other eye.

Many things entered my mind. The first thing being, It's not Taehyung but someone else?  and Who is the real mastermind behind this?  I needed to tell Lizzie to be careful, but I couldn't.

Jinyoung's P.O.V. (new pov!)

Jaebum knocked on the door to Namjoon's house. We all looked at each other while waiting for the door that never seemed to open. I noticed that someone was looking at us through the second story window with a small smirk.

Finally Namjoon opened the door. "I don't want to buy your stupid su- Oh hey guys! From lunch right? Sorry I didn't notice it was you guys. Come in. Come in." We entered his home and seated into his living room.  He laughed awkwardly. "Sorry about that. Some guy was selling su-"

Jaebum cut in, "We don't care. We need your help."

"On? You know," Namjoon began to brag. "my IQ is 148."

"In hacking."


"And we need you to tell us about 'V'," I began.

"V? Why?"

"Please," Lizzie begged, "We need to save my friend  from someone who goes by Victory."

Namjoon agreed. "Alright. Ask me anything and I will answer based on the amount of knowledge I have stored in my brain." And so, the interrogation began. Surprisingly, he answered every question with a lot of information.

After about 30 minutes later, I deemed most of the information completely useless. I asked him a final question, but his answer caught us all completely off-guard. "Do you know who can be associated with V based on the facts we collected?"

"Yes. His older brother, Baekhyun. When they were younger, they would do everything together. I think he can possibly be associated with him, but he doesn't talk about him much anymore. Whenever we bring him up, he would go pale excuse himself."

Namjoon continued, "His brother, from what we knew, was known as a secret genius. All of 'officials' thought, based on the information you found, that V was the serial killer, but once you know the background information about the family, Baekhyun will be a better choice."

We were all clearly surprised by the information. "So," I said. "the real mastermind of this kidnapping is Baekhyun?"


After minutes of collecting all the information we found, we began to hack into many different sites. We found out that 'Taehyung' printed the letters  from our school's library, so we know that he goes to our school. It was most likely V.

While we were hacking and finding information, Namjoon had to step out of the room to answer the phone call. "Um.. guys? I am gonna use the bathroom." I followed Namjoon quietly, hoping he won't find me.

"Hey V! Wassup?..... Nothing much.... What? Yeah, why?.... Seriously?... I was wondering if Baekhyun is with you?... No that's not it at all... I am not lying.. Whatever I have to go okay?... Yeah. Don't worry... Bye."

"So what was your conversation about?"

"WOAH! Jinyoung, you scared me! It was just a friend.."

"Find his location."


"He is our suspect. We need to know where he is at all times."

"I'm sorry but no. Let's go back."

I furrowed by brows and walked back into the room, noticing that Namjoon isn't in the room, yet. I quickly ran to Namjoon's computer ignoring everyone else in the room. I hacked into his phone through the computer and found 'V's' location. Bingo!

I took a picture and quickly exited the computer, clearing the history of course. Just then Namjoon came in the room. Jaebum getting the idea of why I was taking pictures, told Namjoon that we had to leave. I noticed the look of suspicion on his face, but wished us a good day as we walked out of the room.

"So you found Taehyung's location?" asked Jaebum.

"Yep. He's in the basement of an abandoned supermarket up North."

"What are we waiting for? Let's go!" said BamBam. 

Lizzie's P.O.V.

When Jinyoung told us the location, I was surprised, about the supermarket. I knew and felt that we were getting close to Mark and couldn't help smile at the thought. We got into Jaebum's car and were on our way to Mark. Mark! DON'T LOSE HOPE! We're one step closer. 


I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Can you guys say "boyborg" 5x fast? I can't xD Were you guys expecting Baekhyun.. No? Yes? See you in the next! Annyeong!

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