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Lizzie's P.O.V.

It has, officially, been a month since Mark and I started dating. The awkwardness between Bam and I has, also, disappeared. I noticed the slut quad staring at me and started whispering something to each other. I completely forgot they existed. They made their way out of the cafeteria while laughing. They looked like dogs. Female dogs. Mark cut me out of my thoughts. "Lizzie. Say 'Aaah'."


Something that I realized about Mark was that he was the SUPER romantic type. I am not complaining though. After a couple of minutes, I noticed the slut squad making their way over to our table. I began the "conversation." "What do you want, Hyuna?" I was surprised for remembering her name.

"Hey Yugyeom. Why are you hanging out with these pile of garbages?"

"They're my friends. Got a problem?"

"Uh. Duh! Yerin is sitting by herself and you don't care?"

Who's Yerin?

"Hyuna!! Shut the f*** up and leave us alone! I thought our 'group' doesn't exist anymore! Leave."

"Fine. Poor Yerin," and with that she walked away. I wanted to ask who Yerin was, but Yugyeom seemed to not want to talk about her.

The bell rang, indicating the end of lunch. When we made our way into the hallway, there were pictures everywhere. I couldn't see what the pictures were clearly because everyone was looking at them.

After a brief second, everyone stared at me and started whispering, simultaneously. Once everyone cleared, a girl ran past us, crying. For some reason I looked at Yugyeom, and he seemed worried. I gave him a push. "Go see her." He nodded and ran after her.

I looked at the picture, with my gang, and we were all shocked. There were pictures of Mark and I kissing, Bam and I kissing, and Yugyeom tightly hugging me. Underneath each picture was the caption "Beware of the Cheater"  in dark ink. Hyuna, that b****.

When I entered my math class, everyone was staring at me. Ignoring all the whispers and stares, I sat down on my seat. My math teacher, Mr. Jones walked in furiously. He taped up pictures onto the board and made eye contact with E.V.E.R.Y. single student. "All right. Who did this?"

Everyone shook their heads, some shrugging, while I tried to hide myself underneath my chair. There were three pictures on the board, of Mark, Bam, Yugyeom, and I.

"If you know who it is, make sure you tell the office. This is bullying. Setting false, or maybe true, rumors is not nice and unacceptable. The principal noticed these interesting pictures of these specific students, and he will have an assembly about bullying."

He looked at me. "Lizzie!" I turned red from embarrassment and sat straight. "If you have any issues with any of the students here, don't be afraid of talking to your teachers or any of the principals, okay?" I nodded, secretly hoping he would take down the pictures, and luckily he did, beginning the lesson.

~~~ After School ~~~

I got three texts from my mom, telling me about the event that happened during lunch.

Mom <3

I got a call from your school Lizzie.

Something about bullying?

Please come home right away. We need to talk.



I made my way out of the school. I told Mark, I would be walking home by myself, since it was an emergency. After about ten minutes, I opened the front door, with my mom on the other side showing an angry face. "Settle your things and come into the kitchen."

I did just that. I don't get why mothers and daughters have a "heart-to-heart" talk in the kitchen, or in the living room while the mother was making hot chocolate. "Come sit, Elizabeth." I hate my real name. "I got a call from school saying you were bullied?"

"I guess."

"Tell me what's happening in school. Is it the mean girls? Or the big bullies, who turn out to be wimps?"

"Mean girls."

"What'd they do?"

"They posted pictures of me."

"Well. What kind were they? Anything inappropriate?" I shook my head.

"No! They were pictures of me and my friends, saying how I was a whore and cheated on guys." I didn't tell my mom how I got a new boyfriend as soon as I broke up with the other. She will flip and tell my dad.

"Well... Are you?" Really?

"No! I am not!"

"Okay, okay! Do you know who might've done it?"

I knew exactly who it was, and I planned to get them busted. "Lizzie? Stop smiling like a maniac and just do your homework."


Hey guys! I was wondering if you guys would like Yugyeom's POV about what happened with him and Yerin? Sistar's song is like.. OMG! I don't like girl groups but their song is perfect! Anyways, thank you for the votes and views! Half way to 1000! See you guys in the next chapter! Annyeong!

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