Saving Him

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Lizzie's P.O.V.

We arrived at the supermarket a couple of hours later. "Okay guys. Remember the plan?" asked Jaebum.

"Yepp," we all replied, except BamBam.

"What if they kill us?" asked BamBam, obviously frightened. I held his hand, as a friend of course, and told him that its better if we think positive. He instantly agreed. We went to the trunk of the car as we got ready for our plan.

~~~ flashback to plan ~~~

Jaebum went over the plan for the third time as we were driving to the location. If this plan gets messed up, it can be the end of our lives.

"First, Yugyeom, Jinyoung, and I will be dressed in all black, pretending to kidnap you guys. Next, we will walk into the supermarket pretending to hide you guys here. Then, surely Baek and Tae (didn't want to type out their names lol) will question us, so we will ask them if they want to help us."

"We will make up a fake story about you guys, don't worry about what it will be on. Finally, they will lead us into an area Mark is close by to or in. You guys will then use these," he showed us a black bag that you can get in a gas station," to escape."

"Where will you guys be during all this?" asked Youngjae.

"We will be distracting the brothers."

I nodded my head, knowing this is much more dangerous than sneaking into the school's office.

~~~ end of flashback ~~~

BamBam was the first to speak as Jaebum opened the trunk, "Tell me why you keep costumes and weapons in your trunk?"

"You don't need to know." I shivered at the thought. We put on our costumes and went over the plan once more. "Ready guys?" asked Jinyoung. We all nodded. "Hwaiting!" Ready... steady... go!

Third Person P.O.V

Jaebum, Jinyoung, and Yugyeom carried the three and began to sprint towards the abandoned supermarket. They went to the door turning the handle finding it locked. "Yugyeom." Yugyeom nodded and opened the door using a bobby pin that Lizzie had with her.

They went inside, heading downstairs towards the basement. Baekhyun appeared and threatened them to leave. This is where the plan officially starts. Jinyoung said, "We need to hide theses people here."

"Why is that?"

Jaebum began stating the story that he seemed to have thought about for a while. "These 'adults' are the three children of the most richest man in the U.S. and Spain. Their parents own us a loan of a million dollars (sorry not sorry xD), but their parents didn't pay us."

"We decided to capture them, knowing their rich-a** parents will pay us to get their children back. An abandoned supermarket is a least predictable place to hide them."

Baekhyun seemed to be pleased with the story and let them stay. He guided the three carrying the persons to a room. Yugyeom began, "We will come back later after 'threatening' their parents." The three took pictures and made their way out of the building.

Youngjae, Lizzie, and BamBam made sure to listen to their surrounding areas before releasing the blindfolds over their eyes. "Where's Mark?" Lizzie asked.

"Not here. Let's try to escape," said Youngjae.

They took out their weapons and unlocked the door, using one of Lizzie's bobby pins. They walked through the dim corridor until they came to a slightly ajar door. "Rich kids are here?"

"Yeah. Some stupid kidnappers left them here. We can force them to give us half the money."

"That'll be a great idea, but what if they won't let you?"

"We'll force them. Are you stupid or what?"

BamBam was recording the whole conversation and sent it to Jaebum. The trio inside looked into all the doors until they came to a door at the end of the long corridor. There was a huge lock on the door.

Youngjae took out a screwdriver out of the black bag and managed to unlock the door, and they all entered quietly. In front of them was Mark, in the same position as the video. "Mark?" Lizzie whispered.

Mark opened his eyes, widening them when he sees Lizzie in front of him. "We are here to save you," Lizzie smiled. BamBam and Lizzie began freeing Mark, as Youngjae was standing guard. They were beginning to exit the room, until they were met with Taehyung, in a cloak, and Baekhyun.

BamBam sneakily got his phone out and called Jaebum. "What do you think you are doing?" aksed Baekhyun.

"Here to save Mark," Lizzie says confidently.

"Not under my watch." Baek and Tae took out a pistol gun and aimed the weapon at them.

Suddenly, there were more guns, except they were pointed at the brothers. "What?" asked Tae.

"You are under arrest for kidnapping and third-degree murder (I honestly don't know what that means..)." The officer put them in handcuffs. "Thank you officers," says Jinyoung.

"No. Thank you! We would have never thought that one of the biggest murderers would be hiding in a supermarket. Do you guys need a ride back?"

"Oh no thank you, but thanks for the offer."

"Alright. You kids stay safe okay?"

They all nodded and began to take their leave. Lizzie began, "You didn't say there will be police officers."

Jaebum replied, "It made our job easier."

They all made their way back to Jaebum's house.

Lizzie's P.O.V.

When were are on our way back to Jaebum's house I couldn't stop glancing over at Mark. I felt relief wash over me knowing that Mark was safe and with us. "So.. um.. how did you guys know where I was?" asked Mark.

I told him the whole story on why Yugyeom joined us, even though he insisted it wasn't the truth, and about learning how to hack. I didn't tell him how much I liked him. For another time, maybe.


Hello! Sorry for not updating yesterday! I was reading a long fanfic with lots of angst lol. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Have you guys heard about the Got7 scandal? I hope they aren't affected a lot by the death threats.. BamBam and Yugyeom hwaiting! Annyeong!

*Freaking Wattpad wont save my changes.. Argh!! >:(

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