Gaining the Same Feelings

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Mark's P.O.V.

I woke up in an unfamiliar place. Somehow I got a similar feeling, like the eerie feeling I got when I was captured last time. It was dark and no source of light. AT ALL. Having no idea what was going on, I just sat there, taking in the darkness.

Bambam's P.O.V

Lizzie never returned back from Mark's house. I decided to text her.


Lizzie! Where you at?


You  there?

sent 7:33 pm

Lizzie wasn't answering my texts. I tried calling but it didn't help. "If this is another kidnapping, I swear-"

"Calm down Bam," said Yugyeom. "Maybe her and Mark are having a good time," he said while wiggling his eyebrows. I gave him the you-are-stupid look and sighed. I didn't know what to do but to go to Mark's house. I can't help that I still love her. Our romance was too short.

Opening the door to leave, Yugyeom grabbed my arm while putting on his shoes. "I'll go with you, but if the lights are on, we are going back. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah. Come on."

We made our way down to Mark's house, seeing a black figure with a sack leaving the building. Yugyeom and I exchanged glances, somehow knowing what we both were thinking. I began to follow the figure behind cars, since I was the smaller figure, while Yugyeom went into the home.


there is no one here

the place is trashed


come outside

this man is hella weird

and his figure is familiar


ok ok

I am coming

While I was waiting for Yugyeom to come out, I was watching the strange man.

Yugyeom's P.O.V.

As I entered the small, stinky house, I noticed that the living room and kitchen were untouched. As I looked around the dark home, I noticed that the only source of light was from a room. I entered the room and found it a mess. I saw nothing but files and texted BamBam.

He texted me to come out and made my way, until I tripped on a file. "Ugh." I stood up and eyed the file with hatred. When I kicked the file away, I noticed a familiar name. I took the file and began to read over it.


hurry up

he's leaving

Having no time to put the file down, I ran outside and hid beside Bam. "Look over there!" he whisper-shouted. I looked towards where he was pointing and saw a girl in the backseat of the car. I took my phone out and took a video.

The figure entered the car and began to drove off. While taking a video, I took a picture of the license plate. "Should I call the cops?"

"No. Let's follow him."

"Or we can just show the video to the cops and track him down. It'll be easier that way." BamBam grabbed my arm.

"Do you want adventure and thrill? Or be lazy and have someone else do it for you?"

"Be lazy and hav-"

"Boi! Come on!" Having no other choice, Bam and I ran in the direction of the car. I didn't even know where we were headed, but we were going someplace.

Mark's P.O.V.

I heard voices and footsteps approach the dark room I was in. The door opened showing an immense amount of light and a short figure. Squinting my eyes so low, looking like I had lines for eyes, the figure brought out a sack and placing it harshly on the ground.

The sack was moving and kicking, itching to come out. The figure loosened the sack and left the room, leaving me and the body in the dark.

I was to nervous to talk, but luckily the other person did. "Hello?"




Hello! Sorry for the bad chapter... I am thinking of ending the story soon since the action is just repeating on itself.. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Annyeong!


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