Chapter 5: Rythian in the crater

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Hey here's chapter 5! Yay! And 100 reads! Thankyou! <3


Rythian in the crater

Sjin eyes widened as he processed everything that just happened. "Oh no..." His voice was shaky and full of fear. "Guys, whatever you decide don't go toward the explosion."

"The map points in that direction AND someone might have gotten hurt. I mean, didn't you see that flippin' explosion!" Martyn protested.

"Yes I did!" Sjin grabbed him by the shoulders, "That was Rythian and I think he just lost Zoey! The explosion was from a nuke a guy I know placed there for defence. He would never have actually activated it which means that they did something. That makes him dangerous."

Xephos pried Sjin off of Martyn. "He is in a time of need...we should help him." Honeydew just nodded with his 'serious' look.

"I also agree." Nilesy blurted out.

Sjin went pale. "You guys want to go to your deaths! I'm going back to Sipsco.!" And with that he left, muttering to himself about suicidal missions.

"Sjin." Nilesy took a step towards him, but Martyn held him back.

"Let him go for now, we have bigger priorities. We can get him and Sips later." Gathering his stuff he said, "Come on, let's go."

-time lapse-

The heroes, the piper, and the king had been walking for half an hour now. After going through a plains biome, they found a swamp and a little later a peculiar island. They stood there for a while confused. 'Who would build a giant statue of a pig?' Was the general question, but they continued without question and Honeydew laughed with Xephos. After passing a pagoda, they crossed a lake to a colossal mountain with fire beacons around the area.

"I think we're close..." They decided to go around and into a forest. A few minutes later, they reached where the explosion was. "OH. MY. NOTCH!" Martyn shouted as he almost fell into the biggest crater they had ever seen! It was as large as his kingdom's palace. Down at the centre of the crater was a lone, blood soaked man cradling a fire red headed girl who was missing an arm. The adventurers decided to descend into the crater which echoed with the man's mournful cries. As they neared, Martyn stepped forth to speak. "Excuse me."

The man quit crying and looked up. His eyes burned with a purple flame and he shouted in pain and misery, "WHAT! Can't you see my friend is dying! Leave me alone!" He broke into tears and his voice cracked at the end.

"We only want to help." Martyn spoke calmly with sympathy.

Rythian slowly and carefully sent the girl down. He stood up and walked over to Martyn and lifted him up into the air by the throat. Martyn chocked and struggled to breath. "What. Do. You. Want!"

"I-I c-can sav-ve her-r." Martyn gasped.

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