Chapter 10: A Note

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Almost 800 reads! Awwwww, Thank you so much! Sorry for a short chapter. Life's getting hard again. I have to... work on... a... research paper...*shutters* Lewis/Simon and Xephos/Honeydew are going to be different people. Enjoy!

A Note

*Nilesy's POV*

I had no idea why we were laughing, but we were. We ran past honeydew, with him shouting harsh words at us, and back to the crater. "Oh my Notch!" She screamed as she noticed blood in the centre.

"Don't worry, we helped the person who was injured. She's still alive!" I smiled and held her close as she breathed a sigh of relief. We silently made our way around the edge of crater and into the other forest. We continued in and found a strange portal surrounded by flowers and a note. I walked over and picked it off the ground.

Dear possibly Nilesy and/or Honeydew,

Rythian and I hopped into the portal to follow Martyn. He was 'sucked in' and, yeah...bye!

Creepy kiss,


Oh, well now..."Hey Alphina?" She came closer and showed her the note. "I'm gonna help my friends. Just stay here and I'll be back soon.

"But I want to go with you." She pleaded, "I'm strong enough."

"No, it could be dangerous and I'm you're not equipped." As soon as I said that, she pulled out a big blue axe. It looked brilliant, it had a black handle and a sapphire in it. "Well ok then. Let's go!" And we leaped into the portal and passed through.

"Where'd everyone go?" Honeydew emerged from the trees panting.

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