Chapter 18: I Demand Answers!

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Chapter 18: I Demand Answers!

Martyn waved to Duncan as he left the infirmary. It turns out that he was actually unconscious for three months, not one. He decided to go to see Nilesy at the docking bay, but all of the sudden red lights started flashing down every corridor. Alarms were ringing in his ear and soldiers quickly started to march down toward the bay as well.

"What's going on!" Martyn shouted at a Skylord troop running down the corridor.

The man stopped and eyed Martyn suspiciously, "It's an attack, what'd you think?" He continued down the hall shaking his head, "rookies..."

"Oi! I'm not a rookie!" He got really upset and thought about chasing the guy until he saw someone familiar. "Maia?" A girl with hazel eyes looked around till her eyes met with his.

"Martyn!" Maia ran over and gave Martyn a hug. "Toby's been worried about you!" Martyn didn't realise Maia's bow and quiver along her back until she turned around. "Come on, Toby wants to see you." She grabbed his hand and took off. They went down countless corridors that are all similar and crisscrossed. It took awhile until they came to a slide door that looked like the wall. Maia pressed a button and the door slide open with a hiss.

"Maia! Martyn!" Toby said as they walked in. "I was getting worried with the alarms and everything." He smiled and showed Martyn the bridge. "Commander Nilesy, prepare for the mission. I need everyone ready within the hour. I'll be briefing Martyn in the command centre." Nilesy saluted and marched down the corridor. Once they reached the command centre, Toby sat down and motioned for Martyn to as well.

The room was oval shaped with a long table stretching from side to side. "What' showing on? A Skylord told me we are under attack." Questioned Martyn as he sat in a black leather chair. "Shouldn't you be out there doing your job?"

Toby smiled, "it's all taken care of. We were expecting this attack and using it as an advantage." He pressed a few buttons on his armrest and another hologram appeared. It showed the ground and blue ships all over the place and red ships coming at a fast pace. "This is their infiltry team. From our latest intel, they are attempting a mission to steal valuable information from us."

"But what does that have to do with me?"

"Last week, we took down an enemy ship that had a couple ships similar to the invading one. We will allow them to think that their mission is going successful but you and Maia are going to use our ship to infiltrate their ship instead." Toby smiles again as the map changes that shows a green ship. You will circle around they ship platoon and sneak back to the base in thus location." He said as he pointed to the moving green dot. "Once you're in, you'll need to sneak into their computers and find a file called, '0220'. It holds the map of their bases."

"Alrighty then, one problem though." Martyn said looking down. "I have no idea how to do any of that stuff! How'd you expect me to do that! I only just met you and you expect me to do that!"

Toby frowned, "Well... I was hoping you'd do it for family."

"I'll do this one thing and then we'll go and see Ridge. Cause I demand answers!" Martyn says slamming his fists on the table.

"Alright then, I'll talk to Xephos."

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