Chapter 3- The UnderFell Brothers...

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"Yeah bro...I-I mean Boss!" UF Sans said. "WHAT ARE YO-.....WHO IS THIS...?" UF Papyrus says, stopping on the other side of the gate. "I-I don't know B-Boss...."UF Sans says. "IS IT A HUMAN?" Papyrus asks. "......" Sans doesn't say anything. "WELL?!" Papyrus yells at Sans, making said skeleton flinch and back away slightly. You sigh and slowly reaches up and grab your jacket hood. Sighing again you slowly put it down and stand straight, still making sure your sister is hidden. You notice that your taller than UF Sans but shorter than UF Papyrus. "WHA...?!?!" Papyrus steps back slightly, surprise to see another skeleton. You look up at Papyrus, a bored expression on your face. "....sooo..." You say, looking between the two shocked skeletons. "Ya guys got any food....?" You ask.

Undertale AU's x Skele!readerWhere stories live. Discover now